New Introductions

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                              I stand outside the pub waiting for Yuuki and Asuna to arrive. Soon enough they arrive. "Hey, you guys finally arrived. " I tell them.

"Hey, thanks for waiting for us. Shall  we go in?" Yuuki says. I let Asuna and Yuuki go in first. Inside many Fairies were around a table. This must have been Yuuki's guild. 

"Hey guys,This is miss Asuna. Miss Asuna this is my guild-The Sleeping Knights, not counting the white and black haired guy that came with us.  He's our...." She didn't know what to say so i stepped in. 

"I'm your go-to guy. I'll help the guild out in other ways while the guild does the heavy work." One by one everyone introduced themselves. Jun,Talken,Nori,Siune and Techhi introduced themselves."I'm Calvary, I'll be around so if you need anything,  just ask."

"And i'm Yuuki the leader of the guild, well sorta. You see we want to be the only guild to defeat the boss on this floor."

"Huh!!" Asuna asks in surprise. She calms down before speaking. "That's very ambitious but, Boss raids are very difficult and usually take 49 players-about 7 guilds..Its kinda unrealistic.

"Well we kinda took on the boss on floor 25 and 6 the same way" says Yuuki.

"Huh. you seven?" asks Asuna.

"No I only joined today as well but, i kinda knew what their plan was ahead of time but, i'm sure they fought really well."I tell Asuna

"But, why even risk it?"

"You see" Yuuki begins. "We plan to disband by spring time since we would all be busy then. So we wanted to make the best out of it. It would be an unforgettable memory. 

"So that's why you plan on boss raiding." I say aloud. 

"You see, at the Iron Palace there is a monument where the names of the guild would be inscribed. But, if more than one guild worked in tandem only the leader's  name would be inscribed. So we talked it over and got the plan on finding someone as strong or stronger than Yuuki" says Siune.

"So that's why you were dueling" says Asuna.

"We don't have much but,..." Siune begins.

"No-No it's okay. I'll take whatever the boss drops."

"Really then would you join the party?" Asuna's face droops as she seemed to be looking at her drink. She must've have been in deep thought but she soon told us her answer. 

"Let's See how far we can go" We all cheer and talked about epic the battle was going to be with Asuna. Soon it was time to head out.

"Okay how about we meet here around one."

"You got it" Jun, Nori and Yuuki cheer.

"And lets have fun" 

"RIGHT" we all said at once. We all said our goodbyes and i asked Asuna if it was okay if i walked with her till she left. She was okay with it. We walked around for a while and ended up in the central plaza. Asuna finished writing a message to Yuuki. The stars were bright and other players were there. We walked down the road when suddenly, Asuna stopped. She had.....logged out?! I didn't see her open her menu. I type a quick message to her just to be safe. I look at the time, it was getting late so i logged out and got ready for bed. I tell my folk that i got out and was getting ready for bed. They wished me good night and i slipped into the sheets. After a while i couldn't sleep so i dressed up with a light coat and headed out. I ended up at the park nearby my house. A teenage girl was there. I could recognize the emotion the instant i saw her. A mix of hate.anger and sadness. Snow begins to fall.

"Brr. i shouldn't have dressed so lightly." I begin to walk home silently not to alert her. I look back a tear had streaked her cheek. "Never bottle up emotions. release them slowly like a fresh bottle of soda." Heh, words to live by. I chuckle at the thought. I head home. I have a big day tomorrow.

A/N:thanks for reading vote and review. Another chapter tomorrow see you then.   

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