Ayamatte Hason (Falsely Corrupted)

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  A/n: A filler chapter for my series. I hope you enjoy

           Before the worlds were separated, fairies and elves alike could visit each other with ease. They helped each other at times of trouble and even did festivities together. Over time, new rules were enacted as conflict was brewing in Elf world. The Frost King was supposedly planning to invade the elves' world so The Fairy King appointed fairy warriors to go to the Elf world and protect the Elf Queen. He gives them angel wings so they could make the journey to and from. Among those warriors was a fairy later named as Fallen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 He considered himself a tribe-less fairy because of the vast variety of spells and attack patterns he learned from fellow fairies. When the warriors reached the kingdom Fallen used the skills he had and helped the Elf kingdom in many ways. He helped defend the elf kingdom from attacks and was considered a war hero. During festivities he would perform amazing illusion acts and helped everyone the best he could. He even helped in gardening and the rebuilding of damaged cities. No one had complaints about Fallen because of the amount of hard work he had done for both the elf kingdom and his fellow fairy warriors. For his great work in the elf kingdom awarded to be the Queen's sort of fairy-guard. He rejected at first saying he was one with the people but, was willing to fulfill the Queen's wish of having him as her royal first fairy knight.

           He was very liked by the Queen and they quickly became friends. This bond grew as the queen realized how much Fallen was wiling to do for her and the kingdom's happiness and safety. Sadly most good things have a twist for the worst. The Queen was one day approached by The Frost King. He claimed to come in peace and wanted to reveal the dark truth about her royal fairy guard. He claimed to come in peace and wanted to reveal the dark truth about her royal fairy guard. He claimed that Fallen had killed many of the BEGs (Beast-type Evil-God).

A/N: they don't have official names so I made an acronym and BEG is now there names for this story.

            They were the one of the peaceful species that lived in the Elf world so if any was killed it would be tragic. The Queen was enraged and dismisses The Frost King. She calls for Fallen to be captured and brought to her immediately. It was done as told and Fallen was arrested. Blinded by rage she banished Fallen to be trapped in the elf world never to return home. The elf queen destroys his angel wings as a safe measure. With his wings destroyed he was forced to live as a prisoner.

Some of the Queen's subjects though this was immoral. They went to investigate and found that the BEGs were killed by ice. The Frost King had killed them and placed the blame on Fallen. The Elf Queen soon learns of this and was immoral. They went to investigate and found that the BEGs were killed by ice. The Frost King had killed them and placed the blame on Fallen. The Elf Queen soon learns of this and was deeply sorrowful at what she had done. She could not give back the angel wings but, instead gave Fallen, crystals of compressed magic that were cut into wings to replace the ones she destroyed. It is said they shine the colors of all the fairy tribes. Though they could not give Fallen the infinite flight he once possessed,they gave him enough flight time to leave the Elf world. It was said that his parting words were "I'm sorry....I wish we meet...in a better time". When he had returned he took on the name Ayamatte Hason; Falsely Corrupted; as a sign of the lie the Frost King had cursed him with.

Sightings of this fairy have been found in all cities. From the Spriggan tribe to the Leprechaun tribe, he has been spotted wearing white armor stamped with the symbols of all the fairy tribes. He also has wings that glimmer in the colors of all tribes. Not much is known about this fairy and we may not know anymore about him.

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