Chapter: Eight

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Chapter: Eight

Ashley's POV

I hear Mitch yell twice more then I heard a thud that echoed throughout the basement and in my chest. I bolt out of the room pushing through the fans and screaming then hit the bathroom door. It bursts open I look on the floor to see a pool of blood leading into the bathtub. All the fans step away from the bathroom door and all look speechless.

“Mitch” I whisper softly shaking him. I look down at him and he has cuts on his chest but it appeared to be writing. He cut all the names of the youtubers into his chest then I read the last name and my heart stopped for a second and saw my name there. I feel sick to my stomach then start feeling dizzy and collapse near where Mitch is laying.

I wake up laying on a bed. I look around and see a hospital room. A nurse approaches me from the hall.

“Can I have the name of the person/people that take care of you?” the nurse asks. How long have I been gone? My father is going to kill me. I have to avoid him until I am eighteen there is no way I can go back now.

“Mitch or Emma” I say back to her with the first lie I can think of. She gets up and checks a clipboard.

“Neither has come yet, would you like me to call them or anything?” she asks. Just then a doctor appeared in the doorway.

“Nurse the guy next door with the stitches lost too much blood while trying to patch him up. He is dead.” He said with a grave face. As the nurse followed him out of the room. So, Mitch was dead and it was my fault. I stand up and collapse back onto the ground. I grab a few of the needles on the table and inject myself with them. If I caused Mitch to die I deserve to die too. I start to feel sick and I enjoy every movement of it knowing somehow that it will be better that living with the feeling of killing Mitch.

“Bring her to the emergency room right now” someone said, as I am speeding through the halls of the hospital. I lean forward and spit up some blood. Everything starts to fade as I hear the orders of someone wanting one of the doctors to come over quickly. I dream about an unmarked gravestone and a figure crying in front of it in the dead of night. I look at the figure and then see that is it the girl from the restaurant where Mitch and I had lunch together for the first time. She weeps and her tears hit the ground and sprout dead flowers. Another gravestone appeared next to it and it read dreams of the weak or fallen. I see a light come out from the child and fall into the pit in front of the gravestone.


Pretty dark chapter and lots of unanswered questions. Hope you are looking forward to the next one.

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