Chapter: Twenty Three

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Chapter 23:

Ashley's POV

I was visibly shaking at this point my feet were cemented into the ground as Jerome Mitch Preston and I stood there with the feeling that something was not right. There was a voice that ripped through the darkness it sounded so familiar to me.

"I'm grateful for your little friends here are smarter than the one you have at home." The voice poured into the street. It was then I realized it was my father.

"What do you want with her?" Preston boldly steps forward towards the gate as my father slowly emerged from the brush that was about a half a block away from the gate.

"Are you serious?" my father chuckled walking forward with a large grin on his face. He almost looked like a guy taking a stroll on a summer afternoon as he slowly closed the distance between us.

"That is my daughter you know that right? She is going to pay for everything she took from me." I wanted to say something but no words came out. I felt a warm body embrace me I could smell the faint smell of cologne and sweat. I slowly looked up and was eye level with Mitch. I could see the worry in his eyes I didn't think the stories were true but I got lost in his eyes. My mind completely went blank. I knew I had to face my father and make sure my friends who stood up for me didn't get hurt.

"I will protect you we have been through a lot together. I want you to stay calm and run away if things look bad. I want to get to know you even more after this. You are more than a fan to me you make me happy." Mitch smiled softly he held me close I could feel his soft jacket on my hands and rested my head on his shoulder. Meanwhile Jerome was suiting up for battle he picked up the lid of a nearby trashcan the clang of metal rung through the streets.

"Mitch let go this is where all our hunger games training has gone! We are going to hold this guy off until the cops get here." Jerome laughed slightly as he charged towards Preston and whispered something into his ear.

"Mitch tell m.." He cut me off it was over he swiftly released me while running towards his friends.

"Everything will be alright just believe in us like you always have. We never let our fans down and I won't let you down." He roared as he moved towards Jerome. I can't be a helpless girl and let others save me. I need to do something... anything... or else I will live the rest of my life full of regret.

"It seems you guys made the wrong choice." My father pulls out a bloodstained knife make a quick swipe forward spattering blood forward at Preston. He flinches as the blood hits the side of his face.

"You bastard!" Preston runs forward as he throws his fist back and swings hard. My father quickly side steps the punch and jolts forward. He smiles slightly stabbing the knife into Preston's arm. He quickly fell to the ground clutching his arm screaming and clenching his teeth. Jerome sees his chance jumping forward and hitting my father clean in the chest with the trashcan lid he stumbles backwards.

"I see I have to get serious with you kiddos" My father scowled at Jerome and reached into his pocket. Everything changed that second the deep terror we all felt. I screamed and ran forward to save Jerome as the slight light of the gun exploded and Jerome fell face first forward.

"You have to stop this! Take me and torture me but leave my friends alone!" I screamed running towards my father with my hands up. Mitch tries to grab my arm but I sprint pass him.

"I see you can listen just fine after all. Follow me." He smiles as he tries to grab my arm. That was my opening I used my words to lower his guard for this moment. I grabbed the trashcan lid off the ground and slammed it into his face. He punched me hard in the stomach and I got knocked back as he fell over from the pain. Mitch quickly ran forward and attacked he tried to grab the gun away from my father. Mitch hit him hard into the center of his chest with his right hand trying to take the gun with the other. The gun got thrown to the side as my father lunged forward and started biting Mitch's right arm. Mitch desperately kept hitting him with his left arm but my father wouldn't let his arm go ripping apart the skin in his arm. To my relief there was a faint sound of sirens heading towards us. My father hearing this went ballistic he kicked Mitch with sear rage and was able to get himself free.

"Everyone on the ground!" The loud voice of the policeman as they got out of their cars and charged into the park. We made I smiled as I stayed on the ground watching the police charge forward armed with guns and numbers. I watched my father roll to left on his stomach to give himself up.

"Ashley run!" Mitch screamed at me as he slide into me and pushed me down the mound we were laying on. Everything was in slow motion I saw a glimpse of my father who had picked up the gun on the ground and was aiming for the top of the mound. The sound of a gunshot penetrated my ears as I fell off the mound. I screamed as I hit my head on something hard and everything went black.

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