Chapter: Twenty Four

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Chapter: 24

5 years later

Ashley's POV:

"Let's have a toast to remember Mitch who still to this day makes an impact in all our lives!" I gave a halfway forced smile as everyone else at the table rose out of their seats.

"To Mitch!" The room replied as I scanned the room. Jerome smiled at me and I smiled back we both had a hard time after Mitch died that night. I spent many nights camped inside the hospital with Preston waiting for Mitch and Jerome to get better. Jerome was lucky and was able to make a full recovery the bullet went into his arm and didn't do major damage to his arm. I remember the day he was released like it just happened.

"I'm so happy to see you guys!" Jerome running out of the room like a child that saw a toy at the end of the isle. He hugged both of us with tears coming out of his eyes.

"I can't believe we made it out of there in one piece. Where's Mitch?" He asked as Preston and I looked at each other.

"Jerome he didn't make it." I said solemnly. I had been crying for the last two days but now I feel empty like there is nothing left in the world that can replace the joy or the memories that I had with Mitch. I still remember the first day we met when I ran out of that party. He saved me in so many ways and there is no way I can repay him now. The only way I can think of is by living my life to the fullest that is what Mitch would want.

"How can this be I thought I was able to save everyone. I got a hit off!" Jerome slammed his fist against the wall. The world was unfair and stole Mitch away from us too early. 5 years later we all still keep living our lives for Mitch.

The wait staff brought in the food and served it to everyone at the table. Mitch's family has been having this gathering every year since Mitch died they wanted his memories to carry on. One of the topics that comes up every year no matter how disrespectful is what happened to Mat.

"Did anyone hear anything from Mat?" Quintin casually inquired. Everyone looked over at him and shook their heads. Ever since that night Mat disappeared off the face of the earth. He deleted his channel and moved out of his house. No one has heard from him since that night. I had my own ideas about him feeling guilty about leaving us there that night. In private Preston had told me it was also possible that he knew word was going to get out about him abandoning Mitch and he didn't want anyone else to think he was a coward and traitor.

"Anyone want to dance? This should be a happy time. I think Mitch would want that." Mitch's Mom announced to the table.

"I'm always down to dance." Preston stood up and did a cringe dance move. Everyone laughed and slowly everyone got up to join in. The music started playing some upbeat pop songs.

"Are you having fun?" Jerome shimmied my way. I smiled at him.

"As much as I can at an event like this" I replied. He looked me in eyes I could see the slight sadness that we both had but seeing him here again made me feel like I wasn't alone. I danced along with him and I felt so free. I looked around and saw Preston bump into Quintin and fall then started dancing on the ground like a cat that got dunked in water. The music slowed down and I watch Mitch's Mom walk in the center of everyone.

"Alright we are going to have a nice slow dance to end the night. Find a partner it can be anyone and let's enjoy this song. This song was Mitch's favorite when he was a toddler." Mitch's Mom explained and walked over and danced with Mitch's Dad. I looked over at Jerome he turned at the same time and our eyes met again. He slowly held out his hand.

"Want to dance? If you don't mind dancing with me." Jerome beamed at me. I took his hand as we slowly waltzed around the room. I realized only there were only 3 sets of dancers that decided to dance. I blushed because there were so many people watching us dance. I tripped when I tried to turn to the right. As a fell Jerome grabbed me in his arms.

"Are you okay?" Jerome asked I tried to push off him but I was still almost horizontal and almost fell again. He was so close to me and I never felt so nervous around him before.

"Yeah I'm okay." I replied to him while we continued to dance until the song came to an end. Everyone waited in a group outside the building.

"I'm going to get going it was good seeing you both again this year." Preston smiled as his uber pulled up. He got in and we both waved to him as the car drove off.

"I should get going too." I said to Jerome he looked sad but helped walk me to my car. I wanted to hug him. I jumped towards him and he jumped back surprised but hugged me back. I could feel his soft hands brush against the back of my neck. I slowly let go we were like that for a while and I got into my car. I rolled down the window to say goodbye to Jerome.

"Let me know if there is anything you need. You have my number." Jerome said to me outside the driver door. I nodded as I was about to leave but a stopped the car. I walked back out to Jerome to tell him one last thing.

"I'm happy you were here again this year and spent most of it with me." I said quickly looking at his face for a second before looking back down.

"Because you were here I." I stopped my face turned red I couldn't say anymore. Jerome walked towards me and lifted my head then smiled.

"Take your time I have nowhere to be and nowhere I would rather be than here." Jerome said while we stared at each other.

"I-i was able to keep my promise to myself." I said slowly he gently pushed his hand through my hair.

"What promise?" He asked. We stood there for a few seconds in the dark as he waited for my reply.

"Showing no tears." I replied. He leaned into me and I felt my lips touch his. I pulled him close and we stood under the moonlight for what felt like forever. For the first time I was able to keep my promise. I was able to open up a new chapter in my life without my father and with the help of Mitch.


Thank you so much for the support on this story! I know most of you didn't think this would be completed. My greatest wish is for all my early readers to see this and get closure on this story!

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