Intro: The Hell You've Always Known

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Another nightmare. You jolted awake in your dark cold room after another horrid dream reminding you that you were still in hell. You couldn't escape it, not even in your sleep.

It began when you were 8. You were taken from your family by the Oda clan and brought to Honno-Ji to be their prisoner. Immediately upon arrival, you were put in chains to keep you from running away. Not that they couldn't catch you if you tried, the army was massive.

You were never able to go outside.

As you stayed with the clan, you did all the work from cooking to cleaning. Almost like a maid, except you were abused in every way possible. When you spoke they laughed at you, so you learned to stay silent. When you made a mistake, even a small one, they beat you, sometimes even whipped you. And later when you began to develop, some of them couldn't keep their hands to themselves. This clan more than lacked compassion, they had no heart whatsoever.

On occasion, you would have comforting dreams. Your favorite was the dream that had a boy and a girl, young, holding hands and running through the rain and laughing. It was reoccurring and at times it is what kept you going.

Day by day, you forgot a little more about who you were, as days turned to months, which turned into 14 years. This was the life you knew; pain and torture. After the news came of Lord Nobunaga's death, one thing was for certain: it was time to plan your escape...

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