Chapter 5: The Huntress in You

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You woke up bright and early to help Matsu with breakfast once again. It was becoming routine now. Immediately, she checked on your arm and ankle wounds. They weren't as bad as they were, but she thought they still needed to be wrapped. You still felt like you shouldn't do too much on your ankle, as it was still healing.

After breakfast, Matsu gave you some tight clothes to train in, which were a few shades of green. You then joined Toshi in the feilds. There, he told you to show him what you had learned from his lessons and Matsu's in a friendly sparring match before you continued on to archery.

Your skills so far weren't anything to be ashamed of. You displayed amazing precision on the moves you had learned.

After the match, you drank some water and washed your face from all the sweat, then Toshi gave you a basic bow quiver with a few arrows.

"I'm going to close my eyes. Try to sneak up on me. If I can't hear you, you have nothing to learn in stealth." Toshi smirked.

This was your knack. You knew what you were doing when it came to being sneaky. You had done it for years.

The minute Toshi covered his face, it was like you disappeared into thin air because when he opened them, you didn't even leave a trail to which direction you had taken.

"Not bad, indeed..."Toshi smiled.

You had climbed up a nearby tree and took advantage that your green clothes kept you hidden among the leaves. After ages of looking for you, you shot your arrow so that it landed right next to him. You got his attention and jumped down, landing epically on your feet. You pointed the bow and arrow at him.

"Well, I have nothing to teach you there! Great job! You had me completely fooled." Toshi smiled. You did too, and held your bow at rest.
"Now, you just need to work on your aim."

You were awesome at hitting stationary targets.

Some guy from the clan ran through the feilds some time later to talk to Toshi.

"My lord! There is an intruder in the rice feilds! What will you have me do?" He explained.

"Go home to your family. I'll take care of it."

You followed Toshi to the rice field. Upon arrival, you noticed that the intruder was from the Oda remnants. You grabbed an arrow from your quiver.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Toshi whispered. You nodded. You readied your bow and arrow and silently walked into the tall grass. The Oda never noticed you. You were able to make your kill.

The funny thing was, you didn't even feel one bit of remorse for killing that man. You just grabbed your arrow and headed back to Toshi.

With this skill, you could not only protect Matsu and the clan, but you could also provide food. You were happy that you would be doing your part in the village.

When you got home, Toshi told Matsu about what had been going on. She was proud of you, but at the same time she was horrified.

"Are you okay after that?" Matsu held you like she was your mother. You just nodded

"Well, since you are okay, we are going hunting in a few days. Feel up to it?"

You nodded enthusiastically. You were excited to hunt for real.

You went to bed early, eager for Keiji to train you the next day. You had so much yet to learn from the Maedas and you couldn't wait.

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