Chapter 7: The Ultimate Badass

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After going home with the Saica faction as their new member and Magoichi's underling, you grew quiet again. You didn't really know these people, or how well you'd fit in with them.

"You will be bunking with me, little Raven." Magoichi stated, as she showed you to your room. She had one of her other faction members bring in a mat for you to sleep on.

"Thank you." You managed to say, though you didn't feel like talking. You had to get used to it though, because you wouldn't be going home in a long time.

"It isn't worth mentioning." She smirked. "So what's your story?" She sat down on her bed and crossed her legs elegantly.

You told her about being kidnapped when you were so young, that you didn't even remember where you came from. You told her about your years of torture. She sat there and listened. You needed so badly for someone to just sit there and listen. When you told her about how you poisoned the Oda through food, she found it funny.

"I see." She chuckled. "Well, I can tell you one thing, the Oda have done us wrong too, and so we also want them dead. Every last one."

"What did they do to you?" You asked, hoping not to be too nosy. To your surprise, she just answered your question.

"Nobunaga, to be precise, was the one who killed my..." She paused for a moment before she continued. "My mentor."

"I'm sorry for your loss." You sat down next to her. It was silent for a moment. "So...why did you let me come with you? I don't even know me."

"I see potential in you." She kept her answer short and sweet. "So get some sleep. You will be up in a few hours to begin your training."

Time skip a half year~

Magoichi had taught you to be part of a team. She taught you to cover others. She taught you how to use a handgun, shot gun, and assault rifle. She taught you how to use bombs and how to set traps that were always in a specific pattern that only the Saica knew. She taught you how to escape shackles and pick locks. You were now trained in long range and short range weapons as well as hand to hand combat. You felt ready as you had ever been to take down the rest of the Oda clan.

You dressed in tight clothing on a regular basis. Sometimes you would dress the way Magoichi did, just to add a little flair. Of course, it wasn't exactly what hers was. You always wore your favorite color, and shorts rather than pants.

You were outside with Magoichi when you heard an explosion near the front gates.

"What was that Sensei? An intruder?" You asked. You hadn't heard such an explosion in your 6 months of being there.

"We seem to have a guest." She answered with that signature smirk of hers. "Would you like to check it out, dear Raven?"

"Let's go." You smiled, putting on some black fingerless gloves and grabbing and handgun.

The two of you made your way towards the front gate of the Saica territory. There was indeed plenty of commotion.

There was a man, dressed in gold. He had brown hair in an interesting short-cut style. He was accompanied by an enormous mechanical samurai with an even bigger javelin that spun. Who were these people??

"Magoichi!" He called out from a distance while lifting his fist in the air. "I, Ieyasu Tokugawa of the East have come to ask your alliance in the battle against the west!"

You tilted your head slightly in confusion, and hoped Magoichi knew what the heck he was talking about.

"You burst into our home and attack our men, then expect us to side with you? How comical." Magoichi crossed her arms and leaned, putting all her weight on one leg. "Little Raven, what do you make of this one?"

You looked at Ieyasu Tokugawa of the East. He was handsome. He also seemed really nice.

"A raven? Is this a new member of your faction? Ieyasu asked.

"That concerns you not, for the time being. My little Raven is the best judge of character. I have come to trust her word over most." Magoichi explained. She looked at you, as if asking you the question again.

"He is nice, and he is loyal. If we team up with him, we will be in good hands. But there is something....hmm..." You thought for a second.

There was something that bothered you about Ieyasu. Maybe his graceful persona was just a charade, one of many faces he had. You kept this to yourself though. Magoichi ended up making the pact with the East.

The red bell rang. It echoed greatly throughout the lands.

"IEYASU!!" We were then distracted by a more harsh, hate filled man. He wore darker colors and had pale skin and silver hair. You felt very uneasy about this man. At the same time, there was also something about him...

"Mitsunari. You came to the Saica, as I did..." Ieyasu grunted, as he and this new guy took up arms. You just watched it play out. Magoichi shot a bullet at him but he blocked it.

"Go." Magoichi told Ieyasu. He barely resisted, which in my opinion, was cowardly. He jumped on his robot guy and flew away, if that's even possible. He left two women to fight his battle.

"Ieyasu! Don't you DARE run away! IEYASUUU!" Mitsunari yelled. You kinda understood how he felt though.

"Are you done?" Magoichi scoffed.

"Magoichi..." Mitsunari growled, and reached for his sword.

"Well, little Raven, this will be your first battle. Make me proud." She pat your shoulder and walked away.

"What? Me?! Where are you going?? Sensei!" You freaked out. You felt abandoned the way she left you like that.

"I care not who I must fight." Mitsunari took a stance for a battle with you. "ALL of you will pay for your betrayal of Lord Hideyoshi!"

"Who?" You asked, confused. You never knew a man named Lord Hideyoshi but somehow the name made your heart skip a beat. But since you asked, it angered Mitsunari to an extreme.

"I don't know if you are acting, or if you are really that stupid! EVERYONE knows who Lord Hideyoshi is! Now bow your head in respect to his greatness!"

"I cannot. If not knowing makes me a fool, my Lord, then so be it. I was not here in his presence."

"The hell does that mean?"

"That concerns you not." You smirked, and tried to seem a little more like Magoichi. You reached for a handgun you had in a holster on your waist. "Now. If you don't leave, I will make you." You pointed your gun at him.

Without warning, he lept at you with lightning speed! He slashed his sword at a rate which you could barely track. However, you managed to block his swinging, even if it was just barely.

"Mitsunari, let us not waste time on this girl. We have others to make alliances with." A strange man said in a creepy way as he hoovered in on some kind of platform. He was completely wrapped in bandages, and had a helmet that reminded you of a moth.

"What? How are you even doing that?" You asked, gesturing to the device he was sitting on. He ignored you completely and spoke to Mitsunari.

"There are a few more forces that we need to...persuade into joining the western army."

"You're right, Yoshitsugu." Mitsunari sheathed his sword, and the two of them walked off.

"Uh...yah you better run!" You called to them. They just ignored you.

You made your way to where Magoichi had wandered off. She was just waiting at the base camp, drinking a cup of tea.

"So. Did you win?" She asked.

"I guess you can say that." You nervously chuckled. "Sensei... There is something about that man. Something I can't quite put my finger on..."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out, whatever it is." She smirked. You wondered...did she know something you didn't?

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