Chapter 16: Memories Unlocked

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"You..." Mitsunari reached for his sword, assuming I wanted to fight. "I will not let you defile Lord Hideyoshi's castle!"

"Pardon me, My Lord, I don't wish to defile the castle." I tried not to provoke him, and stayed as calm as possible.

"Then what do you want?! Get out!" He yelled.

"I just wanted to turn the cannon off. You see, my friends kinda can't breathe with it around."

"That's the point."

"Look, I don't want to fight you--"

"Then what is your purpose here?! Are you not in alliance with that RAT Ieyasu?!"

"...technically yes, but--"

"Then we too are in opposition, and if you don't leave now, I will not hesitate to CUT YOU TO SHREDS!!"

It was silent between the two of us for a second. I wondered how many times he was going to cut me off before I was done explaining myself. So I said it as fast as I could.

"I was sent to find Shikoku's murderer and Motonari and Yoshitsugu were responsible."

"...and you expect me to believe that garbage?! What kind of idiot do you take me for?!"

He seriously needed to chill. He literally could not speak a sentence with out yelling or insulting me in some way. I sighed.

"Fine. Come catch me then." I teased, which of course made him mad. I led him all over the entryway before making a dash for the door to the castle. There was a dial with some kind of code that I easily opened and made my way inside. I slammed the door behind me before Mitsunari could catch up. I only had a small amount of time before he got the door open and found me so I had to hurry.

Immediately upon entry, there were 2 staircases, one to the left and one to the right. But on the platform in the middle on the wall, there was a portrait of two adults and a child with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes and wearing a beautiful kimono.

The door latch opened, Mitsunari barging in. It snapped me out of my daze and I headed up the right staircase which would lead to the roof.

"When I catch you, I will pull your heart out from your chest and make you watch as I crush it in my hands!!"
Mitsunari threatened, which was a hell of a threat. I would be shaken by that remark but thanks to sensei I had nerves of steel. Such a threat just made me giggle.

"Well, first, you have to catch me!" I replied, and kept running. On the way to the roof, I saw another portrait that had the same little girl and the boy from my thoughts earlier. I didn't have time to get lost in my thoughts again so I kept running.

I got to the roof. I remembered being there too, sneaking out to meet that boy. Nonetheless I found the cannon, but it hardly needed dismantling. There was a giant red button that was labeled "push to stop".

"Easy enough..." I giggled and pushed the button, not noticing that Mitsunari had caught up to me. He grabbed my shoulder and shoved me against the nearby wall.

"HOW DARE YOU!!" He yelled, his face just centimeters from mine. "This castle is for the family of Lord Hideyoshi ONLY! How did you get the code?!"

"I...I did it without even thinking about it." I answered, but I wasn't scared of him.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!!" He slammed me again. At this point I was getting annoyed. "That code was known ONLY by the family and me. Yoshitsugu doesn't even have it!"

"You don't believe the truth, so I don't know what you want me to say!"

"The 'truth'." He mocked me, "If it were indeed the 'truth' you'd have to be-" he suddenly stopped in his tracks and let me go then just stared at me.

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