Chapter 14: The Big Boss of Oshu

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We docked in this gorgeous place around sunrise the next day. I looked around and saw beautiful fields of grass and plantation, along with dragon decor everywhere. Whoever this One Eyed Dragon was, he had good taste!

"Raven, we will be making a deal with the One Eyed Dragon for an alliance." Sensei told me. "Should he accept, you will be traveling on land with his army the rest of the way to Osaka."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"We are planning to surround Osaka so there is no way out."

"Um..." I felt a little uneasy about that plan.

"Is there a problem?"

There was a problem. I didn't like that plan at all. It didn't bug me that they were going to ambush Yoshitsugu and Motonari, but Mitsunari seemed like he knew nothing of their terrible deeds. He was "innocent".

"No, Sensei." I lied. I didn't know what else to say.

Sensei, Motochika, and I made our way to have a conference with the One Eyed Dragon. I saw Keiji talking to a lot of the men like they knew each other. It was kinda cute.

We walked up this really pretty stone path with dragons, seemingly hand carved, along both sides as if they were leading us to the dragon himself.

"Masamune." Sensei crossed her arms upon meeting someone wearing blue, some black armor, a helmet with a large bright gold crescent shape, an eye patch over his right eye and what seemed to be six swords around his waist.

"Let me guess;" Masamune smirked upon seeing us, "you need my help to aid against the West." He slowly sauntered to us in a narcissistic way. "Can't say that I blame you..."

"Please." Sensei laughed it off as they greeted each other with the tap of their weapons, similar to how she greeted Motochika. "We have plenty of man power."

"Then what the hell are you doing on my terf?"

"We simply thought you wanted a hand to take down the Dark King for what he did to you. But if you want to stay here and pout, I won't hold it against you."

Sensei was brutal. Motochika and I just let her do the talking. It was funny the way she kept teasing him, but I wasn't sure if it was just that or if she was serious. So I kept my mouth shut.

"I'm in." Masamune replied. "But I will be the one who takes the Dark King's head!"

"Good luck on that one, and I mean it!" Sensei chuckled again

"Are you saying I don't have the skill to take him down, Magoichi?"

"Not at all."

"Um..excuse me, but we should probably get going.." I interrupted. It was true, we were wasting daylight on a childish conversation.

"Agreed. My men will not be waitin till the sun sets to continue westward." Motochika chimed in.

"Magoichi, just who is this? New recruit?" Masamune looked at me, pretty much ignoring what Motochika and I said.

"This is my Little Raven. And yes, you could say that. She is one of my most trusted. And as you know, I don't trust many." Sensei explained.

"Great. So what's the plan?"

"My men and I will travel the western shores and attack from there. Your men can travel from the north and from there, we can have the advantage." Motochika stated impatiently. "But we need to start our travels right away for the plan to work."

"I get it, I get it." Masamune laughed. "Let me get my men and we will be on our way!"

It was it easier than I thought it would be to persuade the one Eyed Dragon to our side. Soon, we were able to head west to Osaka and I would finally get my answers.

Kanbe and Keiji joined us. Keiji didn't want me to be alone with a bunch of men, and Kanbe gladly left the ship. I was happy they decided to come.

There were enough horses that we could each have one, but...

"Hey, Little Raven." Masamune held out his hand and smiled at me, "why dontcha ride with me?"

I blushed, and almost took his hand. His smile was so gorgeous and alluring that it almost made me want to do anything he asked.

"Nope, I think not, (Y/N) will be riding with me, thank you." Keiji grabbed my arm and lifted me onto his horse, in front of him. Part of me was a little bummed that I didn't get to ride with Masamune.

The One Eyed Dragon made his way to the front of his mob of men to lead them.

"Are ya ready guys?! Let's party!" He yelled to get his men riled up. It was exciting, and I felt so awesome to be a part of an army that admired teamwork.

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