Chapter 8: Temporary Pirate

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(A/N): okay I tried to keep up with the third person style of writing in this story. I have another story I am writing in first person, and it is getting really hard to write, switching back and forth between the two. I was never good at third person anyway! Mistakes are being made and its annoying. So from now on, this story will be in first person. Sorry for the inconvenience!)

Your POV:

Sensei seemed like she was keeping important information from me. She knew something more about our situation that she wasn't telling me.

A few days later, strangely, she gave me my first mission. A good friend of hers, a captain or something, came to Sensei to ask for help.

"Sayaka!" He greeted cheerfully, wielding what seemed to be an anchor rested on his shoulder. He had wild silver hair and an eye patch, as well as poofy white pants and a violet jacket around his shoulders. "I require your assistance."

Sensei and the pirate walked towards each other, and tapped their weapons against one another in a mutual greeting.

"If I am to assist you in any way, you will never call me by that name again." Sensei warned, but he ignored it.

"Shikoku was attacked. And among the rubble...was Ieyasu's banner." He got right to the point. Sensei just stood there. " still in shock that he would do such a thing."

"Tell me. Do you take Ieyasu for a man that would act so cowardly?"

"Well, no. He has always been a symbol of bravery, the very epitome of a righteous man!"

Sensei smacked him upside the head. I tried not to laugh, but I couldn't keep it in. Thankfully, they didn't hear me.

"Gather information before you go making accusations of your best friend, Motochika. Such information would be valuable."

"Aye.." Motochika sighed.

"Little Raven." Sensei suddenly looked at me.

"Yes sensei?" I asked, folding my hands politely.

"I'm assigning you a mission. Since I will be busy with my pact in the east, I will need you to accompany Motochika in his venture to find the culprit that destroyed his home."

"A kid? But Sayaka-" Motochika began, but sensei cut him off.

"She may be young, but she is no child. Little Raven is quite good at finding the details others may have missed. I assure you, she will not let you down."

"...Aye..." He sighed again, and didn't seem too thrilled that I was going to be coming with him. I hoped that we would be able to be friends though.
I packed some things and prepared to leave with Motochika's forces.

"Remember, Little Raven, look for the key that unlocks everything. Do what you must to find whoever did this." Sensei reminded me.

"Yes, sensei." I smiled. "See you soon."

"Hey! You! Quit lolly gaggin and make haste!" Motochika called to me.

"Uh yes captain!" I replied and followed the soldiers to the shores. They lead me to a giant boat with Motochika's family crest on the sail. It was a beautiful ship, and I couldn't wait to get on!

When the boat began to move, the wind blew through my hair in a way that made me feel like I was flying! I never wanted that feeling to end.

I wandered around, but ended up sitting near the bow of the ship, watching the water rush by and crash against it. I closed my eyes, only to open them with the Chosokabe shipmates sitting around me in a huge circle. I stood up, startled.

"Hey. Did you really escape Honno-Ji?" One man asked me.

"How did you do that??" Another asked.

"(Y/N)! I'm your biggest fan!" Another man yelled. I calmed down and chuckled.

"Well," I began to explain, "escaping Honno-Ji was no easy task. I was there for 14 years before I made my escape." I sat back down to tell my story. "When all else failed, I snuck around and found some arsenic. With it, I poisoned the food I made for them after years of trust."

"You did that??? Tell us more!" Another man demanded.

"Hey! What are you men doing? Get back to work!" We heard Motochika yell from a distance, but he was getting closer.

"We'll talk later." I whispered, and the men scattered before their captain could catch them. I stood up and leaned on the side railing when Motochika was close enough to approach me.

"Ahoy lass." He greeted me and leaned on the railing next to me to look at the water.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

" means hello." He seemed annoyed to explain.

"Oh. Well, hello to you too, Captain." I smiled, and tried to lightened the mood. He smirked in return.

"I wanted to apologize for my men. They can be quite bothersome at times."

"Oh, no need. They're sweet." I chuckled. "Hey captain, I was wondering; can I do some work too?"

"You're here as an aid. I couldn't put you to work, Lass. 'Tis not for your frail hands."

"With all due respect, Captain, these hands are not has frail as you would think."

"Hm. Then what do you propose you do on this voyage?"

I thought for a second. I didn't really now what pirates did on boats. Hell, I didn't even know what a pirate was until I met him.

"Cooking?" I shrugged.

"Actually, that's not a bad idea. I'll teach you how to catch and gut a fish."

"Well, I already know how to gut a fish. But I would love to learn how to catch them!" I was excited, I got to learn something new from a new friend.

Aside from my job, there really wasnt anything on that ship to keep me busy. I should have brought a book or something.

So I sat on deck after dinner, just feeling the breeze and looking at the stars. After all the events that happened in the past few days, I felt like I was missing something; like my mind was trying to remember something. Did I actually know any of these people?

....Motochika was fine as hell though.

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