Chapter 10: Save a Life

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We had been sailing for a few days after I had such information. I was anxious to find out the missing piece to this very complicated puzzle.

"Mateys! A letter from Yoshitsugu!" Motochika called, and everyone gathered around. I didn't join them, but I listened from a distance. He looked at the letter, and his expression just dropped. He then struggled to read aloud;
"Motochika, I regret to inform you that I have found a fellow shipmate of yours dead in Mikawa. He was holding a letter addressed to Ieyasu. His banner was found nearby."

A dark energy loomed over the entire ship. Though I knew what I did, it was not the moment to speak of it. I kept a calm posture, even though on the inside I was furious that someone wanted to tear apart what was supposed to be a strong friendship. I still needed to talk to a few people before I told the Captain what I knew. I needed to go north and speak with this Badger before Yoshitsugu and Motonari got there.

"You! Raven!" Motochika turned to yell at me. "Do you still defend Ieyasu's innocence??" He threw the letter down and stomped on it. "Or are you so naive to believe he has done no wrong?"

"With all due respect, Captain, you weren't there to see it. Therefore, you shouldn't accuse your best friend yet."
I made my way down to come face to face with him. He was pissed. But I could handle it.

"And what do you propose happened if not Ieyasu, in his own part of the country??"

"I have a question too, Captain. We have been sailing for a few days, and we are still in the west. They left the fortress about the same time we did. How were Yoshitsugu and Motonari in the east to see this man in such a small amount of time?" I asked. He seemed to think about it for a moment.

"Better yet, how do you know of Motonari???"

I couldn't answer that. So he decided that it was time for me to leave the ship, since I was acting suspicious. They brought me to land and from there I was on my own.

I appreciated the crewmen trying to get the captain to change his mind, though it was in vain. I made my way north, hoping to find the badger.

I had been traveling for a few days going north. I had a little time to get there before Motonari and Yoshitsugu. I was at a disadvantage however, because I had no idea where I was going.

I made a campfire in what I thought was a clearing. I caught a rabbit and cooked it.

After a while I decided to try and sleep. But the moment I closed my eyes, I heard what sounded like an avalanche in the distance. Only it sounded muffled, and there was nothing around to crash. I stood up and began walking in the direction from which I had heard it. Not being able to see, I didn't notice a hole in the ground right in front of me. I fell in, and landed face first.

When I finally lifted myself up, I found that I was in a tunnel. There were men freaking out about their construction, and how they couldn't find their boss. I hurried over to them.

"What happened here??" I yelled, as there was much commotion.

"That damn Yoshitsugu came and destroyed our site! The place is coming down, and the boss is still inside!

These were big guys. I was small enough to fit through the boulders and make my way through.

"Get outside! I'll find your boss!" I yelled. I ran into the debris and began making my way through, slowly. "Where are you???" I yelled.

"Is someone there?" I heard in response. I wasn't far off.

I made it finally to a tall muscular man who was just standing there, with his hair covering his eyes.

"What are you doing?! Why don't you try to get out?" I asked, annoyed. He didn't even look anxious.

"Why is a kid---?!" He stopped himself and sighed. "Look, I couldn't even if I wanted to." He lifted his wrists revealing handcuffs, with a chain that led my eyes to a prison ball. Of course, it was covered with boulders, so he couldn't move.

I looked around, estimating the amount of time we had before it all came down.

I pulled a few pins from my hair. I brought them down to his handcuffs and began picking the lock. I had no other choice to keep this man alive.

"What the hell are you doing?! You're gonna be a pancake if you don't get out of here!"

"I don't even know what a pancake is....shut up..." I sang nervously, trying to calm my anxiety of possible death.

That lock was tough. But, there wasn't a single lock made that Sensei hadn't taught me to pick! It wasn't long until I heard the click that I needed, and pulled the shackles apart. The two of us ran to try and clear the boulders for a way through. It was futile.

"Kid! This way!" The man pulled my arm and led me further into the tunnels.

"Where are we going???"

"I got a way out!"

We came to what looked like an arena type setting where people could fight. It was a clearing, but there was only two paths, one on either side, for entry and exit. There was an enormous machine there.

"This will protect us from the boulders and get us the hell outta here!" He explained, and we raced to get there, debris falling from every which way. Once we got inside, I was very impressed with the controls! I wondered who had built such a contraption.

The man pulled a few levers and pushed a few buttons before he yelled to hang onto something. He wasn't kidding! I couldn't find anything to hold onto so I was thrown in every direction made to man as the machine dug us out. When we emerged on the surface, I immediately jumped out and kissed the ground.

We were soon surrounded by the men who had made it out of the tunnel.

"Boss! You're okay!" One man cried. It was heartwarming to see them so happy for their boss's safety.

"And you're free!" Another man added.

"Hey. Kid." The boss pulled me to my feet. "You got a name?"

"(Y/N)." I panted, with my hands on my knees. Still wasn't over what just happened. "You?"

"Kanbe." He answered after a short silence. For a moment he seemed to just stare at me.

I stopped for a second and looked up at him.

"The...Badger?" I asked.

"You're lookin at him." He crossed his arms. "You've heard of me?" He seemed a little too happy that I knew his name.

"Actually, I was looking for you. I was hoping to get here before Yoshitsugu, but I didn't know the way..."

"Hold on, hold on, back up." Kanbe demanded. "Are you in affiliation with the western army??"

"No, I'm just a mercenary. My faction joined with the east actually. I'm here to talk about Shikoku."

"I ain't got nothing to tell ya, kid. Best you left." Kanbe walked away from me, but I wouldn't give up.

"Please. If I don't know what happened, I cannot garuntee your safety from Yoshitsugu and Motonari.

That stopped him in his tracks.

"And what, you're going to protect me from their wrath,huh." He chuckled. "My arms are free, I can handle myself. Thanks though." He continued walking.

"Sure. But can you take on Motochika's crew?"

He stopped again. I was definitely scaring him.

"I was sent on a mission to find out the real culprit behind Shikoku. I was traveling with them. I found out from Yoshitsugu and Motonari that you were responsible. But I didn't tell anyone. I thought I should talk to you first. If things get ugly, the Saica faction can protect you."

"You're from the Saica huh. Since when?"

"Since about a half year ago. Anyway, this isn't about me. Now. Will you tell me your side, or shall I inform the captain that it was your doing all along?"

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