Chapter 22: Bad News

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As I waited in the shadows to hear Mitsu's response, I could feel my heart beating a mile a minute! How DARE that man come to our castle and try to ruin what we had? How DARE he try to turn Mitsu against me when we were just beginning to really love and trust each other??

Mitsu just stared at Yoshitsugu. He was definitely thinking about what Yoshitsugu had told him. Unfortunately I walked in on the conversation too late to hear the beginning of the lie, so I didn't know exactly what was said. I just hoped Mitsu believed in me enough to make the judgment to side with me.

Each second that passed tugged on my sanity. Why wasn't he saying anything? Should I have stepped in?

"...get out." Mitsu turned around, facing away from his former friend. "You, along with everyone else, lied to me, BETRAYED me! Why the HELL would I believe you?"

"(Y/N) is the child of the man who decieved you most. Do you not think that such treachery may run in her veins?"

"(Y/N) is my reason for life. Behaving in such a manner is not within her nature. Now. Silence that tongue of yours, Yoshitsugu, or I will cut it from your mouth." Mitsu threatened in the calmest way ever. I smiled, thankful that he defended my honor.

"I guess it's useless to try..." Yoshitsugu sighed. He gently lifted his hand which raised one of his magical spheres to hit Mitsu while his back was turned.

I held my gun steady, aiming carefully. I knew how those spheres worked. I remembered seeing Yoshitsugu kill one of Motochika's shipmates that way.

"Concentrate, (Y/N)..." I told myself. I just kept my eye on Yoshitsugu until he shot the spere at Mitsu. Instantly, I shot my gun, the bullet had enough force to push the sphere away just enough to stray from Mitsu. But of course, their attention was turned towards me.

Mitsu was in obvious shock. He had just been attacked when he didn't expect, but I had deflected it. He didn't know what to react to first. After glancing at me he quickly reached for his sword and readied himself to fight.

"(Y/N), go." He calmly ordered. I didn't want to run away from this guy, but Mitsu insisted.

"You'll be okay?"

"Just. Go."

I sighed, and did what he said. I went inside and closed the doors behind me, then leaned against it, and slid to the floor.

"Hey kid." Kanbe was just suddenly next to me. I jumped.

"Don't do that!!" I placed my hand over my pounding heart.

"Do what?" He giggled.

"Appear out of nowhere!"

"Aw but it's so fun." He continued to laugh at me.

"Yeah, it would have been  really fun if I ended up shooting you for scaring me!"

It was silent after I said that. He probably realized that he was that close to death.

"What's goin on out there?"

"Mitsu is fighting Yoshitsugu. Nothin big." I smiled.

"Well he is kind of a jackass..leavin me in those damn mines..." He mumbled and sat next to me. "Anyway, I come bearing....not so good news."

"You disappear for a while, and come back with bad news? Maybe you shouldn't leave anymore." I hooked arms with him. I did miss him when he left.

"Had to give you a little space." He smirked "but right now, I should tell you something important."

"What do you mean 'should'?"

"I just..know how happy you are now and I would hate to ruin it."

"Just tell me..."

"Okay, well, I've been out just listening to gossip cuz it's fun, and I've heard people talking about the Demon King's sister."

"Who?" I asked.

"Oichi Oda. She is Nobunaga's younger sister."

I froze once I heard Oda's name, but then remembered that I'm a badass and calmed down.

"Well it is only his sister right, it isn't like she could be as bad as he was." I laughed nervously.

"Yeah, about that... I hear that she is looking for him. Tryin to resurrect him or somethin."

Where the heck was Kanbe getting his information? Still, if this girl Oichi was trying to resurrect Nobunaga, I had to put a stop to it. Likely, it would be at Honno-Ji.

"Then I should go. I can't have him return to this world and terrorize everyone..."

"Count me in. I'll go with you."

"Please don't.  This is my battle."

"You forget though, it's my battle too. I was there all those years ago. I am just as angry as you are."

"....okay." I was hesitant, but it was probably a good idea to have him watch my back. Now, to decide whether or not to tell Mitsu.

I put my ear to the door leading out to the roof. I could hear Mitsu yelling at Yoshitsugu, wanting answers for his betrayal.

"We should leave as soon as possible huh? He is busy with Yoshitsugu. Now is probably a good idea." I explained. I decided not to tell him. He already had his hands full.

"You're not going to tell him? Then it is a good idea I'm going with you. Hr would have my head on a platter if I let you go alone." He laughed.

I went to my room and grabbed some weapons and ammo, so I was completely armed. I needed to be sure to have enough ammo just in case I had to fight this Oichi.

Kanbe and I quickly left the castle. I hoped Mitsu wouldn't be too pissed at me.

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