Chapter 28: Relax a Little..

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(A/N): More Mushy Mitsu Moments ahead!
Uncle and Auntie left the room for whatever reason, mentioning something about getting Keiji. He would most certainly bring life to the party, but I wasn't sure he had forgiven me about going to defeat the Oda without telling him. I wanted to apologize, I knew he was just worried, same as Mitsu.

"We should probably plan." Mitsu stood just inches away for me and reached for my hand. Surprisingly, his hand was warm, as opposed to being cold to the touch.

"Plan what?" I asked, though I knew what he was talking about.

"Our wedding. The day the Toyotomi and Ishida unify. Do you still want to?"

"Of course." I smiled, but I had no idea where to start when it came to planning. "If you'll have me."

Mitsu brought my hand do his lips and kissed gently. "I'd be honored."

Later on that day, Mitsu helped me onto a horse and sat behind me. We rode around the castle for some time, enjoying the fresh air and cherry blossoms.

"(Y/N), do you remember how we used to sneak out to see each other?" Mitsu asked, as we passed the Toyotomi crest in the courtyard.

"I do." I replied, leaning backwards, so my back was against his chest. "Before our ceremony, I liked you a lot. When my father first began training you to be a general in his army, we were so young...but I saw you and definitely wanted to be near you."

"I wanted to protect you from the beginning. When Lord Hideyoshi gave us news of our betrothal, I was....happy."

He smiled. Genuinely smiled. Mitsu was the kind of person that found it hard to smile after everything was taken from him. He was cold, introverted, angry, and depressed. So, to be the one who made him smile, I mean really smile, well you just can't put a price on that feeling.

"I knew you would make a great general too." I pointed out. "You were so dedicated. But one thing I was never clear on...where did you come from? Why were we even betrothed to begin with?"

Not that I was complaining, but I was curious.

"My family and yours were at odds for a long time. But we were a small family, only a couple hundred. I recalled being the center of everyone's hate for a time. When an army declared war on us, we were outnumbered 100 to 1. So, my father made a pact with Lord Hideyoshi, and the only thing of value he could offer was my life."

"So, you were just a pawn worth trading at first..." I concluded. Though the outcome was great, I wasn't sure I liked the circumstances too much.

"If you want to think of it that way." Mitsu sighed "Lord Hideyoshi saw that I could be of value to the Toyotomi forces, so he wanted to have me in the family, heir to governing the country, since he had no sons of his own. That's where you came in."

"He wanted you to marry me because I'm a girl so I couldn't possibly have the talent to govern the country? I don't put it past him to think that."

"He is not here now. If you wish to govern the country alone, I am not one to stop you."

I thought about it, but as awesome as I would be alone, Mitsu knew about things concerning the country. I wouldn't know a thing because I was locked away for so long. So, he knew a lot, he would protect me..we would make an awesome team.

"I don't want to govern alone..." I smiled gently, but he couldn't see. He just kissed the top of my head.

I didn't want the short horse ride to end. But, with the Maedas in our castle, of course the bliss had to end sooner or later.

"(Y/N)!!!" We saw Keiji exit the front doors to the castle and begin running to us once he saw us.

"And here we go..." Mitsu sighed. We just wanted to be alone for a while. I understood his being annoyed.

Keiji came up to us and grabbed me off the horse. He lifted me in the air to look at my kimono before holding me in a tight embrace.

"You are beautiful, Sis! This one definitely suits you!" He enthusiastically complimented. He was speaking a little loudly considering I was just inches away from his face.

"Thanks... Mitsu gave it to me.."

"Matsu told me you will be married soon. I wish to help with the preparations! So you'll have to come with me sis, and Uncle Toshi will will have a talk with your groom to be!"

I didn't like how he said that. I suddenly worried for Mitsu.

Later on that day, I was with Auntie and Keiji, being carried around on Keiji's back just like old times. We were making plans of the wedding of Mitsu and me. However I had no idea who I was going to invite.

"Are you serious??" Auntie asked. "You have many friends. Kanbe, the Saica faction..."

"And I bet Motochika and his men would want to be here...maybe even the one eyed dragon too." Keiji suggested. I couldn't imagine that either of them would go out of their way to see me wed. Motochika didn't seem to like me very much after he deemed me suspicious, and Masamune...he seemed to want me and might think he had the right to steal me from Mitsu.

"You can think about that... Next we need to find your dress." Auntie stated, writing things down. I think she was making a check list of the tasks we needed to complete. I was glad that they were there, nonetheless. That way, I knew I would have an amazing event planned for this unforgettable day. So, I knew what I had to think about...I wondered how Mitsu was doing with Uncle Toshi...

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