Chapter 17: The Beauty of the West

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Mitsunari's cold and hateful persona seemed to melt away. He finally believed me. I finally knew where I had come from, who my family was. Though I still had many questions, I was content at the moment that I knew who I was.

"You were the one who always snuck out to meet me..on the roof, in the courtyard..." I smiled, a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. I felt so light, relieved.

"Yes, I was." Was all he said. He didn't show it, but I could tell he was happy to see me though he kept a constant straight face like I was annoying him. "I expect you will be staying here for a while to discuss this."

"Is that your way of asking me to stay?"

"Stay or don't stay. It wouldn't bother me in the least." He shot back.

"Okay, well in that case, I'll be on my way." I grinned and turned to leave, but he wasn't having that.

"DAMMIT (Y/N)!!" He slammed his fist on the wall. "MUST I SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU??"

"I apologize my lord..." I turned away, laughing at his sudden outburst.

It had been a while since I was with the Eastern alliance. I wondered why it was so quiet outside--


Explosions. Gunshots. The alliance was at the door.

I suddenly snapped out of my bliss and had it in my mind to get the alliance to go home, though I didn't think they would, after traveling so far to end this.

Without saying anything to Mitsunari I ran towards the front of the castle and met with Sensei, Keiji, and Masamune.

"Where the hell is Mitsunari?!" Masamune asked, seemingly ready to beat his face in.

"What do you want with Mitsunari? Aren't you looking for a Dark King?" I replied, eager to defend Mitsunari.

"Oh, Raven..." Sensei crossed her arms and chuckled. "Mitsunari IS the Dark King!"

...and no one told me sooner.

"Go home." I threatened.

"...sis?" Keiji was almost afraid to talk to me.

"I am...I know that I am..." How was I supposed to tell them that I was the daughter of someone they despised so much? I was having trouble finding the words.

"Sis, speak slowly." Keiji gently placed his hands on my shoulders. "What is going on?"

"My memories have been restored by being here. I am...the daughter of Lord Hideyoshi Toyotomi, (Y/N) Toyotomi. Shocking, I know. But with this new discovery, I am aware that this castle is my home, and I must protect it. So I will ask you again; please leave."

"As you wish, Raven.." Sensei grinned.

"You knew all along, didn't you?" I accused, once she was easily convinced to leave.

"I did, but I thought it best not to interfere. Besides, you might not have believed me if I told you." She chuckled again. "So then.. You know about Mitsunari, and that ceremony.."

"What ceremony??" Keiji asked.

"I remember a ceremony, but I don't remember what it was would you know?"

"I was there."

Mind officially blown. But I guess I would find out later about the ceremony.

"So, did you do away with Yoshitsugu? Where is he?"

"He retreated to Itsukushima." Masamune explained. "Went to hide behind Motonari."

"I see...well, what's the plan?"

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