Chapter 29:You're Invited!

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(Mitsu's POV):

I sat at a table with Toshiie Maeda, because he wanted to discuss "something". I knew what he wanted to talk about, and that was understandable.

"So. I bet you know what I want to talk about huh?" Toshiie stood up and paced around me as if to interrogate me. I stayed silent and let him answer his own question. "I want to talk about (Y/N)."

"Since we are to be wed and you are her only family, I would assume so." I replied.

"As you probably know by now, (Y/N) is...unique." He chuckled. "She was abused for many years, I'm sure you're aware. But it was the fault of the man you admired so much.."

"I know."

"We all love (Y/N) very much. How do we know that you will not bestow the same heartlessness upon her?" He looked at me, not to break eye contact. He was serious, as his smile melted away. Before I answered, he continued, "To the Maeda, I'm sure you know, Lord Hideyoshi was...barbaric. Sure Keiji saw him as a friend, but he always was a What Lord Hideyoshi did to (Y/N)  ...that is unforgivable."

"I know."

"So Listen up, Dark King.." Toshiie climbed up on the table and brought his face just inches from mine. "(Y/N) won't hurt you. But if you put a scratch on her, the entire Maeda clan will hunt you down."

"I will tell you this," I began, and stood up to be just as intimidating. "I Gave my LIFE to the Toyotomi clan. Lord Hideyoshi was the center of my world until I figured out what he did with (Y/N). Now, she is my new reason for life. And I would give mine in an instant to ensure she is safe."

Toshiie paused for a moment and seemed to smile. Then in an instant, the smile disappeared.

"That's it, huh? Then tell me how her knee was injured."

"...I accept full responsibility. I told her to wait inside while I took care of some...problem. In the meantime she heard news of the Oda clan leader's revival. So she left. I wasn't... I didn't get there soon enough."

"She left without telling you and you didn't know till it was too late? That sounds like her." Toshiie crossed his arms.

"No, that's not what--"

"You know. It's okay to admit when something wasn't your fault. You don't have to take responsibility for everything..."

(Y/N) had only wanted to help me when I fought Yoshitsugu. She wanted to deal with it as a team and I brushed her off. Then, expected her to deal with Oda as a team. I was the hypocrite I accused her of being. Was that not my fault?
(Your POV):

"So who do you want to invite?" Keiji asked, with a pen and paper. I thought about it, and there wasn't a whole lot of people other than the people that were family.

"The Maedas of course." I smiled, "Also, the Saica Faction..Kanbe and his men, maybe send notice to Oshu and Kai...and Motochika. That's all I can think of."

"What do you mean 'that's all'?" Auntie laughed. "That's going to thousands! I will have my work cut out for me.."

"I'll help, Auntie, that's a lot of work to do alone." I suggested.

"On your wedding day?? No." Keiji scolded. After writing some things down. "Let's make it soon, while the cherry blossoms are in bloom. Is that okay to you sis? Don't rush, of course.."

That was only a few days, a week at most, before the rainy season came. The cherry blossoms were at the height of their beauty and wouldn't last very much longer. I didn't mind becoming Mitsu's wife in the next few days. But would he mind?

The plans were made: I had my kimono picked, guest list made, date picked, and invitations written. I was ecstatic!

It was late at night, everyone had gone to bed, and I hadn't seen Mitsu all day. I couldn't sleep without him. So I walked to my balcony and looked around. It was instinct. I remembered doing the same thing when I was little. I climbed down using some vines and made my way to the family crest  in the courtyard, limping. Sure enough, there he was.

I was surprised I made it. I was slow, and it pained me to walk, but eventually I made it.

"I knew I'd find you here." I greeted as I approached him in the moonlight.

"Likewise." He smirked and turned to me. His amber eyes seemed to glow, when he shifted his gaze to me. The moonlight illuminated not only our surroundings, but his entire body as well. Everything about him just sparkled.

"Coming here when we are supposed to be sleeping; it seems almost second nature though it has been a while."

"I agree." I kept my smile and walked into his open arms. My ear was against his chest and I could hear his heart beat.

"So, the date is set. In three days we will marry...(Y/N)...?"


"Are you sure you want to do this? It is no longer your obligation to unite our two families." He asked. I'm not gonna lie, I loved this side of Mitsu. Underneath that shell, beyond the walls he built, he was actually vulnerable, and kind. It was rare for others beyond me to see it. I was lucky.

"I am sure." I assured him. "Spending my life with you won't be so bad..." I chuckled.

"I love you, (Y/N). It doesn't matter if you turn me down. I won't stop longing to be near you. To protect you. Its something I have felt for a long time, and it cannot be changed."

"I understand." I replied. "I love you too, Mitsu. I'm glad you feel the way that you do. We are supposed to marry. It just makes sense. You know?"

He softly placed a kiss on my forehead as he cradled me in his arms. In a few days he would be mine forever, and I would be his. I loved thinking about it.

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