Chapter 27: Grace

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I think I fell asleep in Mitsu's arms, but he wasn't gone when I woke up. He had stayed there, holding me, the entire time. He was awake. I was woken up by a smell.

"Do you feel better?" He asked once he saw that my eyes were open.

"I'm sorry I ... Didn't know I had fallen asleep." I yawned.

"It's been a long day."

"Mitsu, what is that smell? Kinda smells like baked bread."

"I need to tell you something. Someone is here to see you." He stood up with me still in his arms, and proceeded to carry me to the dining hall, then set me down on a table. Yep the smell was coming from there.

"Is she here??" I heard a familiar voice, before seeing a familiar face. "(Y/N)!!"

"Auntie??" I was surprised as she ran to embrace me. It had been so long since I had seen her. "When did you get here?"

"Kanbe came to get us a while ago. He said you needed help with clothing. Then he and an army of men escorted me and Toshiie here. I thought I'd make you and your husband-to-be something delicious to celebrate your engagement!"

"Really? Thank you Auntie! Where is Uncle Toshi anyway?"

"He is helping me in the kitchen. Come on, let's go see him!" She pulled my hand, but I pulled back, so I didn't stand up.

"I can't at the moment..." I gestured to my injured knee.

"Oh, (Y/N)! What happened??" She placed her hands over her mouth out of shock.

"Oda is dead, finally... But I took a few hits." I explained. "Mitsu protected me though. Otherwise, I may not be here."

"I see! Well, I'll go get Toshiie, then. You stay right there, okay??"

"Okay..." I giggled. I couldn't go anywhere, even if I wanted to.

Not long after, Uncle Toshi came to greet me with an embrace.

"(Y/N), it is good to see you!" He smiled enthusiastically, and held my hands. "You are severely missed at home!"

"I miss you too, Uncle. You will not believe what I've found out about my past!" I looked at the two of them, just as excited to see them as they were, me.

"Kanbe told us on the way here. We were just as surprised as you must have been.." Auntie explained. "So won't be coming home with us.."

"We need you to stay here anyway." Uncle Toshi chimed in before I was able to answer. "If you are heir to the Toyotomi, then it is important for you to be here. The two of you will be ruling the land right?"

I guess he was right. Osaka castle was my permanent home.

"And you..."Uncle Toshi glared at Mitsu. "You better take good care of her. We don't want to have another war between the Maeda and Toyotomi forces."

"So then...the two of you fought before?" I asked. It was silent and no one answered my question, leading me to assume that they had fought before. It must have been very awkward in that room.

"That was before I knew of my Lord's treachery. (Y/N) is my new reason for existance, and I will guard her like the treasure she is."

I blushed a little. They were having a conversation like I wasn't in the room, but still it was sweet of Mitsu to say what he did.

"Good." Uncle Toshi grinned.

"(Y/N), wasn't there something you needed me for? Let's go change your clothes for the occasion!" Auntie was eager to help me dress up, but I'm pretty sure she just wanted to leave Uncle Toshi and Mitsu alone for a bit. I was a little hesitant, but I agreed. "We'll be right back, boys!" She helped me up and helped me walk to the room with all the outfits Mitsu had bought for me.

"Wow!! He sure did spoil you huh?" She looked around.

"After he found out who I am, he went on about how I needed clothing that was worthy of me or something along those lines. Auntie...he takes such good care of me."

"I'm glad. You need someone like that. I have Toshiie, and I want the same for you." She shuffled through the clothes that Mitsu had bought for me. "The clothes that the boys bought will stay at home, so you have something when you visit. Oh! Look at this one!"
She grabbed a kimono, dark purple, with a red obi, and red lilies embroidered along the bottom

"It looks pretty but...I don't really know if it suits me. It's so....feminine." I critiqued. "I didn't exactly learn how to be a girl with the Saica Faction."

Aunti laughed, knowing I was right.
"It all depends on how you feel. (Y/N)...Do you want to wear something like this?"

I thought about it. I remembered when Auntie first dressed me in a beautiful kimono when I was home with them. I felt like a princess and I loved it, but after being a badass for so long, I felt almost out of place.

"Well...let me just try it on..."

Auntie helped me dress in the kimono, and she also styled my hair.  I looked in a mirror and didn't recognize myself, so would Mitsu recognize me? She helped me back to the kitchen, where it was empty, but she helped me sit back on the table.

"Where did they go?" I asked.

"Stay here, I'll go find them." She told me before taking off. It wasn't like I was going anywhere in my condition so I had no idea why she felt the need to keep telling me to stay there.

Turns out, the men were in the kitchen. Mitsu came out to see me, wearing an apron over his usual armor. I tried so hard,I really did, not to laugh at the sight presented in front of me. But I couldn't help but giggle.

"Laugh it up..." Mitsu crossed his arms and looked away, his cheeks a brightening contrast from his pale skin. Then he just stared at me, eyeing me from head to toe as Auntie helped me to stand.

"She is a work of art, isn't she?" Auntie commented.
I blushed. I didn't expect Mitsu to say anything in front of Uncle and Auntie. He wasn't very good with mushy stuff yet. It was silent amongst the 4 of us.

"You know what?" Uncle Toshi stated randomly. "We need Keiji!"

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