Chapter 6: Every End is a Beginning

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It had been a few months now, since you had stayed with the Maedas. You were now perfectly comfortable with them, and trained nearly every day. It was troubling though, that Keiji still hadn't returned from Kenshin's, though he promised he would be back weeks ago. You wondered what the heck was going on.

You woke up to help Matsu with breakfast, as you usually did, but she wasn't there. You found Toshi sitting at the table with his head down, crying into his hands. You gently approached him to investigate.

There was a note next to him that you picked up to read;

"We know she is there with you. Bring her to Honno-Ji if you wish to see your loving wife again."

Matsu had been kidnapped. The last thing you wanted to be to the Maeda family was a burdon.

"Oh. I didn't know you were awake." Toshi quickly wiped his tears. He looked in your hand and saw the letter. "I don't know what they'll do to Matsu. But I can't bring you there. I wish I knew what to do."

You knew exactly what they would to to Matsu. You knew what the Oda remnants were capable of, and that horrified you to think they would treat Matsu that way.

You held Toshi's hand and smiled gently. You were silently letting him know that you would make the trade, though it meant giving up your freedom and going back to a nightmare.

"I couldn't let you do that. You are a part of this family too."

You didn't mind what he said, and went to pack your things anyway. You could only imagine what he was going through. But you wouldn't take no for an answer. You walked out the front door, despite Toshi's plea for you to turn around.

Keiji's POV:

Finally, I was able to return home, after a tedious battle with Kai. We were victorious of course.

It was late at night when I got home. Even so, I wondered why there was no light in the house. I figured they were asleep, but still it was odd.

I hoped little sis would forgive me for not coming home when I said I would to train with her. When I got in the house I lit some candles and knocked on her door. She didn't answer, so I assumed she was asleep.

I went to be kitchen to make some tea and relax. That's when I found a little note on the table. I read it. Toshi wouldn't trade little sis, even if it was for Matsu. So why were they gone??

I decided to head to Honno-Ji to make sure. I took a horse to get there as fast as I could.

Your POV:

You and Toshi made it to the agreed spot to make the exchange for Matsu. There were many of the remnants there to get you.

"Matsu!" Toshi yelled upon sight if his wife being held hostage. You couldn't blame him. You willingly walked to the Oda men and in doing so, they let Matsu go, just like they promised. But they weren't just going to leave without a fight, just because.

Toshi didn't bring a weapon, and neither did you. You thought you were just going to make a trade and be done with it. They separated Toshi and Matsu. You were horrified.

When a man grabbed you and began tearing your clothes off to humiliate you, you heard a crash of thunder followed by flashes and flashes of lightning. The man that had put his hands on you slowly fell backwards.

You looked around. All the men you had met to make the trade were dead, and a new squad of people stood before you carrying an interesting crest, a crow with 3 legs. They were led by a beautiful woman with fiery hair, carrying a gun.

"The Maedas, huh." She scoffed. "Did you come to destroy the Oda clan?"

"No, Magoichi. We came to get my wife back." Toshi stated, and held Matsu close to him.

"Without a single weapon? How naive." She chuckled, and then shifted her eyes to you.

"And who is this little Raven?"

"We don't know her name." Matsu explained. "She came to us from the Oda and they wanted her back. She doesn't speak."

"I see. You escaped Honno-Ji, stayed with this family, and now you feel you can't stay with them. Something along those lines?" She asked. You nodded.

"It isn't your fault, you had no idea they would pull this." Matsu tried to comfort you.

"Come with me then, little Raven." Magoichi enticingly suggested

You looked at her in fear. You really didn't want to leave the Maedas, but what choice really did you have? If you stayed with them, they would be vulnerable.

"There will be someone to come and check on your family often to ensure this doesn't happen again. If you come with me, I will make sure you have the skill you need to never be an Oda victim again."

That was a good deal. Your family would be safe, and you could one day kill the rest of the Oda clan, single handedly. You nodded to show that you agreed.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Matsu asked, seemingly emotional. "We are going to miss you so much. She hugged you with tear filled eyes.

You had to say something. You needed to say something.

"....D-dont cry..." You mustered softly. You hadn't spoken in years, but this wonderful family made you so happy and you had to tell them how much they meant to you. You couldn't just nod to tell them something so heartfelt.

"Did you just say something?? Did you just speak??" Toshi asked.

"I did.." You continued to speak in a low and soft voice.

"And what a beautiful voice you have." Matsu cried, and held you tighter.

"Auntie Matsu. Please forgive me.. I did not know that my being with you would put you in danger." You sobbed.

"I don't blame you for their barbaric ways. you really want to leave us?"

"You know I don't...but I must. Auntie..every moment I stay will put you and Uncle Toshi in danger. I will go, and learn all that I can to defeat the Oda remnants. Once they are gone, I will come home." You held Matsu's hands and reached for Toshi's too. You then continued; "Thank you. Thank you so much, for helping me, giving me a home, and being my family. There are... No words to express how grateful I am. I'll be back before you know it." You tried to smile to lighten the mood. "And can you tell Keiji bye for me?"

"Keiji? It's a shame he isn't here." Toshi pointed out. "Well, if your mind is made up, we won't stop you. But please visit once in a while?"

"Deal." You smiled, though you didn't know that the Saica territory was distant.

"You have our full support. We love you." Matsu cried.

"I love you too."

"Well little Raven, we should be on our way. If we start now, we should be there by daybreak." Magoichi said, compelling you to finish your goodbyes.

"(Y/N)." You corrected. "My name is (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)... Good luck, and come home soon." Matsu gave you one more tight embrace, and you went your separate ways.

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