Chapter 3: Training with Matsu

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You woke up the next day, and Keiji was still sitting in the corner of your room; arms crossed, legs crossed, and leaning against the wall. You looked at him and smiled, as you didn't expect that he would stay all night.

You stood up and grabbed one of your blankets, then put it on Keiji. It was the least you could do.

Your ankle was okay, however you had a slight limp.

You explored a little through the house, but didn't wander too far. You were led to the kitchen by a wonderful smell.

"Oh, you're up I see." You were greeted by Matsu, and she was cooking breakfast. "It's good to be up early so you can cook for everyone. Would you like to help out?"

You nodded enthusiastically, and Matsu handed you an apron. From all those years with the Oda, you had no choice but to know your way around the kitchen. Matsu was surprised and amazed that you had so much skill.

"The boys will be in town today finding some clothes that will fit you. The two of us will begin training with the naginata." She kept her smile, obviously excited to have an underling. "My training will not be as harsh as Keiji's or Toshiie's.. that's why you are starting with me. Although I do realize that sending two men to find clothes for a woman may be a bad idea." She giggled.

You finished making breakfast and she slid a bowl of rice porridge in front of you.

"Eat up," she sang, "you will need your energy today."

She took you out to a grassy field, near the entryway to the village, carrying her naginata, and an extra for you to use. She handed it to you.

"Before we begin, I need to inform you of the Maeda clan rules; protect the clan, perfect your skills, and most importantly protect the clan's leader."

You nodded in agreement. There were only three rules, and it sounded easy enough.

"First and foremost, when handling a weapon, you need to get used to the feel of it-- in a battle, your weapon is your best friend. Next, find your stance. Your knees should be bent to your preference so that you can be balanced, not easily knocked over. Hold on to your weapon tight. When you swing, you don't want to end up losing it."

You took the time to get a feel for the naginata. It was a long range weapon similar to the glaive you had stolen from Honno-Ji. Matsu continued,

"Your dominant hand will be placed in front, and place your other hand about shoulder width apart.

After a few hours getting to know your weapon in the boiling hot sun, Matsu led you over to the shade where she had water, tea, and rice so you could take a break.

"We won't be taking a long break." She mentioned as she poured you a cup of tea. "After this I will start teaching you some simple routines.

You were looking forward to what Matsu had to teach you. You were looking forward to not being a victim anymore, and this was the first step.

You quickly ate your rice and drank your tea, then eagerly jumped up from the blankets in the grass you were sitting on, to get back to work. Matsu admired your persistence to pick up the weapon again and again.

You learned quite a bit from Matsu. She taught you blocking and the proper ways to retaliate. She also taught you a 10 move routine that she wanted you to practice and have perfected by the time you trained with her again.

You headed home with her. You were tired and needed a bath, your hair was gross, you were sweaty, and your muscles ached. You looked at Matsu and she looked as perfect as she did when she brought you out there. Maybe it was in the Maeda way to keep good posture at all times.

"So, did you have fun today?"

You nodded happily. Though it was hard work, it was fun.

"That's good. I'm having fun teaching you too." She smiled. "You know, since we don't know your name, we should think of a nickname or something to refer to you as."

You liked the idea. You felt bad though, that you couldn't speak for the time being and tell them what your real name was.

"Hm...well I guess it will be easier the more we get to know you. We'll have a meeting with the boys later."

"Matsuuuuu!" You both heard Keiji yell, followed by the door crashing in.
The two of you went to the front to see him, and when you did, you found him and Toshi holding so much stuff. Some of it wasn't even clothes.

"What are you two doing??" Matsu stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at them. "What is all this?"

"It's for the new Maeda!" Keiji gladly explained. "Since she will be staying a while, I thought we'd spoil her!"

You looked around at the pile they had dragged in. There was a little table for beside your bed, a dresser to put all your new clothes, and some new covers for your bed. There was also a really fancy kimono. Your eyes grew watery. This was only the second day you were with this family and they already treated you like one of them. You fit in so well.

"Look, Keiji you made her cry." Toshi scolded. "I told you this was a bad idea.."

Keiji walked over to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

"Did I hurt your feelings Sis?" He asked softly.

You just nodded your head to tell him that he hadn't hurt your feelings. You covered your face, embarrassed to show your tears.

Matsu pulled your hands away from your face and used a soft cloth to dab your tears. When your face was dry, you just flung your arms around Keiji.

"Aw..." he held onto you tightly. "You're welcome, Sis."

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