Chapter 12: Our Randevous

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Kanbe, his men, and I finally made it to the East a few days later. All the while, he kept asking me if I remembered this or that. I hoped that he would mention something I would have remembered, but unfortunately my memory was shot worse than an intruder on Saica territory.

All I had were my dreams. I recalled having a recurring dream of a boy with black hair when I was in captivity. These were dreams of the night I was taken. Could that have been Kanbe?

I looked around near some cliffs and saw signal fires for base camps. That must have been where Sensei and the Eastern army was.

"You sure this is such a good idea?" Kanbe asked.

"No." I smiled, before I heard cannons in the distance. "Sounds like the captain is here. Let's go."

"Ugh...why do I feel like this is gonna end badly for me..."

I wanted to laugh, but I didn't. I was focused on getting to that base camp as quickly as possible.

(Magoichi's POV):

It had been a while since I last saw little Raven. And now here we were at the cliffs of Mikatagahra with no information on who the real culprit was, who had slaughtered the people in Shikoku. I stood ready with my artillery, should Motochika and his crew get too far out of hand.

"There you are! Ieyasu you coward!" Motochika stormed towards us, but Someone was missing.

"Where is Raven??" I asked.

"The wench was acting suspicious and we couldn't trust her. She was lucky we didn't make her walk the plank!" Motochika replied angrily.

I raised my gun and pointed it at him.
"Motochika, I know we are friends, but do not speak of her that way again. You will not like the consequences, I assure you." I was serious, but at this point I was somewhat stalling.

"Are you sure she'll be here?" Ieyasu asked, as we stood ready to fight his friend. It looked hopeless that she would show up in just a few moments, but I had complete faith in our Raven.

"She'll be here." I answered confidently. But Motochika wasn't going to wait around. He rushed at Ieyasu with the intention of killing him.

(Your POV):

I saw Motochika charge at Ieyasu and that was my time to act. I ran to get between them, knowing I only had a few seconds to do so.

"Kid this is a bad idea!" Kanbe called to me but I ignored him.

Just when Motochika swung his anchor, I pulled my naginata and blocked the impact and pushed him back.

"You again.." Motochika gritted his teeth. "You have no right to stop me from tearing Ieyasu to shreds!"

"Perhaps not," I held my weapon at the ready, "but before you do, there is something you should know."

"Have you found who the real culprit is, Little Raven?" Sensei asked. She was standing behind Ieyasu with her arms crossed like she wasn't even scared.

"I have. After gathering information like you asked me to Sensei, I have found the the real ones responsible for the destruction of Shikoku."

"Well?! Out with it, woman!" Motochika grew impatient as he rested his anchor on his shoulders. To tell you the truth, I was growing impatient with his attitude!

"You, Captain, were being manipulated into killing Ieyasu so the western army would have sure contol of the country. The real ones responsible are Motonari and Yoshitsugu."

"Raven. This is a very touchy subject. Are you sure about this?" Sensei asked.

"Yes. They told me themselves at the fortress-- Well, that's not necessarily true. They didn't know I was listening in. And, Captain, Yoshitsugu was the one that killed your shipmate. Ieyasu is innocent." I explained.

I'm sure my news came as a shock to everyone, as it was silent. Motochika walked up to Ieyasu and just stared in his eyes, only to suddenly drop to his knees in repent.

" could I have doubted you my friend??"

"God you're thick headed..." Sensei mumbled and rubbed the temples on her forehead in annoyance. "The next thing we do is eliminate the traitors. We will help you in this venture, do you agree Raven?"

"Yep." I smiled. I wanted to see how it all played out. "Want to come along, Kanbe?"

"Kanbe? I didn't notice you there!" Ieyasu chuckled nervously and turned in his direction.

"Yeahhh, I preferred to keep it that way. I'm here because she asked me to be." He pointed at me. "I want to see those two get their just desserts, so I'll tag along."

"Yay!" I smiled. I liked Kanbe. He had a certain charm about him.

"Let us be off then. It's high time my crew was able to rest peacefully. Motochika stood and headed in the direction of his docked ship.

"Oh, Raven, there was something I needed to tell you." Sensei crossed her arms as she walked beside me.

"Yes, Sensei?" I asked.

"During our travels with the east, our faction came across a wandering man, who then began to follow us. We ended up leaving him behind as he was too slow on his end to 'get ready'." She chuckled, then continued "He should be catching up at any moment. Perhaps you know him."

"Okay...if he was just a random wanderer, what makes you think I know him?"

"He is a Maeda. He shares your family crest. I recall he said his name was...Keiji. And with the headstart we had and distance between us at our last location, he should be arriving here right about..."

"Magoichiiiii!" I heard in the distance. My heart skipped a beat

"Right on time. Stay over here, Raven." Sensei put her hands on my shoulders and turned me so I was facing the other way. She smirked and turned to greet him. "I thought I told you that I need no protection." She began, and put a hand on her hip.

"I am here, because my heart belongs to you! A man is of no worth without a woman to protect."

I still recognized his voice. It had been so long, I was almost afraid to turn around and look at him.

"Quit being a peacock. Don't you have a woman to protect already?"


"Some time ago, I came across a girl whose name was Maeda. She didn't speak however..."

"You did?! Where can I find her?!"

"Wouldn't you like to know." She chuckled "she was on a mission and just recently returned."

"You mean she is a part of the Saica Faction?"

"Little Raven come see our guest." Sensei called to me. I was a little embarrassed, the way all their attention was on me.

"Hi, Keiji.." I smiled shyly.

Keiji ran past sensei to get to me. He embraced me tightly, picking me up in the process.

"You talked!"

"I have been for a while now..." I responded, as I had the air squeezed out of me. "And my name is (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)..." He smiled. "A wonderful name. I had no idea you were with the Saica.. Toshi and Matsu wouldn't tell me anything about what happened."

"She joined me, so she could go home." Sensei intervened. "And it had been nothing short of a blessing. Little Raven here is quite the mercenary."

"Thank you, Sensei.." I folded my hands politely. "I'm so happy to see you Keiji. I miss you all so much."

"Dammit! Make haste ye scallywags while there is still daylight!!" We heard Motochika in the distance, which made his attitude hilarious.

"Well, we have a mission to see through. Wanna come?"

"You mean... If I were to refuse, I would be leaving you and Magoichi alone with a thousand men?? I think it is my duty to come along!"

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