Chapter 11: Where I Come From

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"Alright kid, you might wanna sit down for this." Kanbe told me, then sat cross legged on the ground. I knelt across from him.

"It all started when I was put in chains for my plans to kill Hideyoshi. I was locked away in the dark, alone for years."

"That sounds like..." I thought about my own experience being locked away. "Nevermind. Please continue."

"So, I was promised freedom for the destruction of Shikoku. Yoshitsugu was the only one who had the key to my chains. So I had to trust him, or rot in the dungeon. He didn't keep his end of the deal. Basically used me and my men."

"I see." I closed my eyes to think and put all the pieces together. "So you felt as if you didn't have a choice if you wanted a life huh?"

"None of this woulda happened if I had the nerve to stand up to them. Just my luck.."

"Your luck..?" I suddenly had deja vu. I stood up, and walked closer to Kanbe. I was only inches away when I reached to move the hair away from his eyes. "Have we...met?" I felt like I knew his eyes from somewhere, but was that even possible?

"What the-- how could we have met before this?"

"Hmm.. Sorry, you're right." I backed up and returned to where I was kneeling. I tried to let it go, but my mind wouldn't let me. Even when it seemed as if I moved on, I was still thinking about it.

"Anyway, to get technical, Motonari and Yoshitsugu were responsible."

"Yes, I have come to that conclusion." I smiled. "One more question, if I may."

"Okay, why not. Shoot."

"Well, it is regarding your plans for killing Lord Hideyoshi. What did he do to you, that you so wanted him dead?"

"That is a touchy subject, kid." He crossed his arms. "But, I do owe you that much I suppose."

"I appreciate it."

"I have seen a part of him that no one believes exists. So many people believed he was a righteous man. But.." He trailed off. He seemed to be having a hard time telling me. "A group of people called the Oda clan broke in one night."

"The Oda?!" I stood up, in shock.

"Calm down. It isn't like they're here you know..." He laughed. "Anyway, they broke in and demanded a deal with Lord Hideyoshi. They wanted 4 billion zenni for the safe return of his daughter."

"Hm...and what did he say?"

"Whadaya think? He wasn't havin' it! He let them go, told them to do as they would with her."

"Oh..." My eyes couldn't help but cry, so I turned around to hide my tears. "He just...let her go..."

"Yep. So when I got old enough, I planned to kill him for it, so I could take over the country and find her! But....yeah. You see how that turned out."

"I see. And she was...important to you?" I asked.

"She was my best friend. And he threw her away. His own daughter."

I took Kanbe to be the kind of guy who didn't really care, at first. But after talking to him, he was definitely a softie.

"So now that we got that straightened out, are you gonna help me or not." He asked in a way that sounded more like a statement than a question.

"Yah. I'll help." I answered, and made sure my tears were dry before I faced him again. "We should go, and meet up with the east."

"Well, I have no where else to go." He glanced at the tunnel beneath us. "Men, half of you come with us, the other half, work on cleaning this up!"

"Yes sir!" The men cheered.

We were then on our way east, to meet up with Ieyasu and Sensei. It was going to be an interesting 4 days walk.

"So, kid, why did you join the Saica Faction anyway?" Kanbe asked, it seemed like he had thought about asking for a while, but finally got the nerve a few hours in.

"Because the people I cared about were threatened. I wanted to become strong so I could be with them." I explained. "Sensei offered to train me, and I said yes."

"Well, obviously..." he chuckled "Who was your family threatened by?"

"The Oda. You see..I recently escaped captivity." I smiled, and waited for him to catch on. "I was staying with the Maedas until they kidnapped Matsu. That's when I knew I was too dangerous to be around them."

"How long were you held with the Oda?"

"A long time...14 years..."

He stopped walking and stared at me. I just kept walking.

"You...YOU'RE (Y/N) Hideyoshi?!"

"I don't even remember where I'm from. I wish I did, so I could confirm. But, at least the time line matches up!" I cheerfully noted.

"And you just so happen to be named (Y/N)! That ain't no coincidence kid!"

"Well, if that's so, then perhaps your luck isn't as rotten as you take it to be." I grinned.

The Beauty Of The WestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora