Chapter 19: The Walls Come Down

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It was exactly the crack of dawn when Mitsu came to wake me. I felt like I had only been asleep for a few minutes. But when my eyes finally focused to see Mitsu, I had a rush of energy. But it didn't last long.

"I need to tell you something." He spoke softly as I sat up to greet him. "I don't care anymore."

"...what?" My heart skipped a beat. What did he mean? Did it have anything to do with me?

"Let them handle it. I wish to stay here."

Still drawing a blank, I stared at him with my head slightly tilted as he sat on my bed. He continued,

"You said the Eastern alliance went to settle things at Itsukushima, right?"

"Y-yes." I yawned.

"Well, I don't want to go anymore. I have been thinking all night about it."

"You didn't sleep?" How was he able to do that?

"Seldom am I able to rest." He crossed his arms. "My sole purpose was revenge. But now that I know the truth, it doesn't matter anymore. I found a new purpose." Keeping eye contact with anything but me, he slid his hand across my bed covers to find my hand. His skin was cold to the touch, but felt kind of refreshing on my skin.

"That's wonderful." I smiled. "I know it must have been confusing to figure all of that out. I'm proud of you, Mitsu."

"Hm." He smirked. "You're more important."

His comment made me smile. I didn't know how to reply to that.

"So...if we aren't going..." I began

"Out with it." He definitely hated when I beat around the bush.

"Can we go back to sleep?"

"Yes. Sorry for disturbing you." He stood up to leave.

"Please don't go!" I let it slip that I didn't want him to leave me again.

"What?" He looked at me.

"Stay. Please."

"(Y/N) it is not appropriate for me to be near you in such a manner." He explained.

"I don't mind. I just...want you near me. Really near. So I can open my eyes and see you if I get scared."

I realized that I sounded like a scared child at that point. I just hoped he would change his mind.

"...fine." He sat at the foot of my bed. "Will this do?"

"That's great." I lay down on my pillow. "Thank you."

(Mitsunari's POV)

She was really afraid to go to sleep without me. The night before, she had asked me to stay but I turned her down. The Oda must have put her through hell and then some to make her so terrified of being alone.

That was my new purpose; to eliminate the remaining Oda clan. (Y/N) told me about how she was with the Maedas for a while and how they were put in danger. I DARED the Oda to find her here. They will pay for what they did to her.

I looked at her as she lay there, her hair was everywhere, and she clung to her pillow like it was her only friend. For a while I just watched and admired her. But after a while, I yawned. Was I ...tired?

The last time I had actually slept was right before the death of Lord Hideyoshi. Since then, it was just naps here and there, and that's because I couldn't think straight, not that I actually felt tired.

There was room next to (Y/N). I know I said it was inappropriate earlier, but she wouldn't mind..would she?

I took my heavy armor off and slowly lay next to (Y/N), careful not to wake her. My eyes grew heavy and I couldn't help but close my eyes.

...I have changed, haven't I?
(Your POV)

When I woke up a few hours later, I noticed Mitsu wasn't at the foot of my bed anymore. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't. There was a weight in my neck and around my waist.

Mitsu had fallen asleep behind me. He lay his head on the crook of my neck. I could feel his breath on me, that gave me goosebumps and his arm was around my waist.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to wake him up though, the cuddling was nice. And he did say he hadn't slept in a long time. So I just let him be for the time being.

I felt so protected. Though I could take care of myself, I knew that even in my weakest moments nothing bad would happen to me. All my life, even with the Maedas or the Saica faction, I feared the Oda. Now, with just this one man, I felt those fears dissolve into nothing.

Finally, Mitsu woke up, a few hours later. I pretended to be asleep, as I knew he would freak out from the way we were laying.

I stretched a little and yawned. When I sat up, he was back at the foot of my bed.

"About time." He crossed his arms.

"Eh?" I was caught off guard by his comment. I knew what was going on though, and just decided to play along.

"Thanks for protecting me." I smiled. He seemed to turn slightly red, and hurried to turn his face away before I saw. But I saw.

"Nothing to make a big deal about, all I did was sit here."

"...okay." I intentionally paused before I answered. He whipped his gaze back to me, and I just looked away.

"Come on." He pulled my arm, forcing me out of my bed. It wasn't forceful enough to hurt me, but it was uncomfortable.

"Where are we going?"

"Last night I got something for you."

"Yeah?" I smiled. That was sweet of him. He led me to a hall with an enormous storage room. Before I reached to slide the door open though, he pushed me firmly against the wall.

"Your clothes." He looked in my eyes and placed his hand under my chin, tilting it upwards so my gaze met his. "They are not worthy of covering you."

I thought for sure he was going to kiss me, his lips were just millimeters from mine.

"Okay, lovebirds break it up." Kanbe entered the hallway, seemingly out of nowhere. I exhaled a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Now of all times, badger???" Mitsu growled and punched the wall next to me. It startled a way.

"As c'mon. Now's the perfect time." He sauntered past us and placed his hand on the door to open it. "(Y/N), wait till ya see what's in here!"

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