Chapter 30: Eternally One

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Auntie Matsu estimated thousands of people to be there to watch Mitsu and I wed. She got right to work making cakes and bunches of food, while helping me get ready with my Kimono and hair. She was an amazing multitasker if there ever was one.

My knee was still in pain. Not extreme pain like when it was shot, but it still hurt to walk and move. Climbing off my balcony to meet Mitsu the other day probably didn't help much either.

So here I was, day of my wedding, sitting in my room, and waiting for Auntie to come and help me with my Kimono. Sensei was there too, but she didn't come into my room. I guess she thought I was still sore from how she put Mitsu's life in danger....I guess I kinda was. But I still loved her and wanted her to be there.

Finally, after a few hours Auntie was able to help me with my kimono, hair, and makeup.

"I talked to Mitsunari just before I came in here." She mentioned before picking up my hair brush. "He is a nervous wreck. He is trying not to show it, you know the way he is, but I'm not sure hiding emotions is possible on your wedding day." She chuckled.

"You saw him? Is he...still sure about this?" I asked.

"You know, he asked me the same about you. He thinks you are going to change your mind."

"I'm not."

"I'm positive he will not either."

It didn't take long for me to get ready. As soon as Auntie was finished making me into a bride, she left again, and Kanbe and Keiji came in the room.

"Kanbe? There you are!" I stood up and nearly fell but he caught me. "I haven't seen you since..." I couldn't recall.

"Since Honno-Ji. I went back to get Mitsunari. Good thing too, it would have been more than your knee that was blown up." He explained. Keiji elbowed him.

"The point is that you're safe. Although it hurt that I wasn't there to begin with, I'm happy Mitsunari came when he did. Otherwise you wouldn't be here to make him happy." Keiji explained.

"Yeah yeah, all this mushy stuff...I'm gonna get a good seat. See ya out there, (Y/N)." Kanbe left the room.

"Keiji...can you carry me out there when it's time to go?" I asked.

"You know I will, sis..." He smiled. "I forgot to tell you look beautiful." He pulled a flower from his hair and placed it in mine, like he did when I first became a Maeda. I smiled gently and hugged him.

Keiji stayed with me to keep me calm the entire time. Auntie came to check on me every once in a while, until it was time to go.

"Well, are ya ready, Sis?" Keiji held out his hand to help me up, then lifted me into his arms. I held onto him tightly, as he whispered in my ear, "don't forget me."

How could I ever forget Keiji? It was he who had saved me from the very beginning and brought me home to the Maedas. I would have been caught that night, had Keiji not been there. I was grateful. I was alive because of Keiji. I just kissed his cheek as he carried me out of my room.

There were tons of people gathered around the sakura tree, where Mitsu was waiting for me, dressed in silver armor. It wasn't like his usual black and dark colored armor. This armor highlighted his face and made him look handsome standing in the storm of cherry blossoms.

He smiled when he saw me, even though Keiji was carrying me. Keiji set me down so I could stand next to Mitsu, putting all of my weight on my uninjured leg.

"You look breathtaking." Mitsu said to me.

"You do too." I replied, before Uncle Toshi got between us and tied a large silk scarf around the two of us, signifying our unity. It was almost like our betrothal ceremony all over again.

I held Mitsu's hand as he turned to me and asked,

"Are you sure? I'm not..the easiest person to get along with. I know. But I want to protect you. Will you let me?"

"I will. I have never been more sure if anything in my life. Mitsu, my childhood friend and guardian, I will be your wife if you will have me."

He bent down on one knee and held my hand to his lips.

"There is no greater honor than this moment, right now. Becoming your husband, and uniting for eterninty. I will not let you out of my sight."

I wanted to cry from all the emotions flowing through me with our vow exchange. In front of everyone, for the world to see, Mitsu stood to his feet and pulled me by the waist closer to him. My body touched his. He placed his hands on the side of my face and looked in my eyes for only a moment. And for the first time, he put his lips on mine as (Y/N) Ishida.

There was nothing holding us back from having a wonderful life. Oda was gone, I had nothing to be afraid of. Mitsu was by my side and I had nothing to worry about. I had my family and friends...I couldn't ask for more.


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