Chapter 4: The Real Rules

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The next day you woke up and made breakfast with Matsu. She loved your company and was sure to tell you. After that, you tried on all of your new clothes that matsu helped you put on. You weren't used to putting on such nice clothes, though these were considered common.

"We might use this kimono yet." Matsu smiled as she tied your obi on your new kimono.

It was beautiful; a dark blue with silver floral embroidery up the left side. The obi was golden and had butterflies printed on it. One thing was for certain, it looked expensive.

But what did Matsu mean that you might use it? What would you wear it for? Was it not normal to wear something like this every day? Whatever the case, you wanted to wear it just a little longer. You felt like a princess.

"Let's go show the boys!" Matsu suggested. You covered your face in embarrassment. "Come on now, they won't make fun of you, I promise." She pulled your hand and led you into the kitchen where Keiji and Toshi were drinking tea and waiting for you so you could go and train.

When you entered the kitchen, Toshi and Keiji stopped what they were doing to look at you.

"Isn't she gorgeous??" Matsu bragged. You could only nervously smile.

"Indeed, but she reminds me of someone..."Toshi crossed his arms and thought for a moment before giving up.

"Even the most beautiful flower is dull in comparison." Keiji smiled and stood in front of you. He removed a purple flower from his hair and placed it in yours. "It won't be long before I have to kill all the guys for wanting your hand." He rested his hand on your head and smiled gently.

You weren't going to do any physical training the day after Matsu's training with the naginata. However, Toshi had still wanted to teach you a few things about keeping peace in your heart if you ever had to take up arms. Good thing, it felt like your ankle needed to rest, even though you didn't use it much the day before.

After changing out of your kimono and into some loose laughing clothes, Toshi brought you out to the same field you trained with Matsu in.

"Are you familiar with the Maeda clan's rules? Since you are one of us now, you should know them by heart." You nodded your head, but he still continued as he held up fingers to indicate each of the rules, "Guard Matsu. Guard Matsu. And Guard Matsu."

That made you smile. He loved her so much. You nodded in agreement. Atleast guarding Matsu gave you a reason to fight. But you wouldn't just guard her. You were going to train to make sure no harm came to that family.

Toshi sat on the ground on a mat he had brought. He sat cross legged and patted the spot next to him, ushering you to sit next to him.

"You are starting to fit right in, aren't you?" He grinned. "I'm glad. You deserve to be happy after what you've been through. Stay as long as you need. We will be your family until you find yours, and we'll even help you look. Although you kind of remind me of..."

You looked at Toshi and tilted your slightly to express your confusion.

"Never mind, I'm rambling." He laughed it off. "Now. Let's get to the lesson shall we?"

You nodded and sat, awaiting his instructions.

"When you enter battle, you must remain calm. I am aware that it is easier said than done. Breathe deeply to slow your heartbeat." He demonstrated slow breathing and had you mimic what he did. "Next, never fight with clouded judgement. There are things that might push your buttons, and for many reasons it's never a good idea to take up arms when you are angry or upset. Emotions can tamper with what you are capable of. So think clearly, and keep a level head."

You nodded, and continued to take deep breaths. You thought of the boy from your dreams that kept you alive in Honno-Ji. In a way, when you thought of him, you had found your happy place.

"Judgement is most important during a fight; you must be able to decide whether or not to fight, if it can be avoided, and weigh the options. You may not even have to apply such knowledge, but it's good to know what you're doing anyway."

You thought deeply about what he was telling you. Toshi just wanted the safety of his clan and you understood that.

"And lastly...find a reason." He averted his gaze to the sky. "My reason has always been and will always be Matsu. I fight to keep her safe, even if it costs me my life. I know I must return from battle to be with her, as she will be broken if I do not. I never want to cause her grief."

What was your reason? To help keep the family safe, of course. But would you ever find something like what Toshi and Matsu had? You thought not. You weren't sure if you wanted to be that close to anyone after Honno-Ji

You stayed with Toshi almost all day. The sun was starting to set by the time you decided to head back.

"Well, that's it for today. Tomorrow, we will be training for real. Bring your naginata, we will be sparring. I will also be showing you how to hunt and proper archery."

You were excited for learning how to use the bow and arrow. If anything, you wanted to be as far away from your enemy as you possibly could.

When you made it home that evening, Matsu had dinner all ready for the two of you. You looked around then wandered, looking for Keiji.

"He isn't here.."Matsu called to you as she sighed, disappointed. "He went to Kawanakajima, where his best friend is. Keiji is his guardian after all...He actually spends days, sometimes months at a time there."

You were upset that Keiji didn't tell you, or at least say goodbye. You missed him already.

The three of you ate, with smiles on your faces. Even without Keiji there, you were still happy to be with the Maedas.

When you returned to your room, you found a note addressed to "Little Sis" on your bed.

"Sorry, I left without a word but My friend Kenshin needed me, and it is urgent. Don't worry, I will be back for our training in a couple of days. I'll miss you!

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