One Night Stand - Blakesmoak

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// This chapter is dedicated to juliamacielleal  for being the reason for me shipping these two. without her I would never have thought to pair these two together. :) //


When felicity woke up, she was confused and quickly started panic. Her surroundings were unfamiliar causing her to panic even more. The lump that lied next to her on the lumpy bed proved that she had too much to drink last night with Thea and Laurel.

As she was getting out of the bed, the body next to her shifted positions. The blanket fall off the strangers head and to Felicity shock she discover that the stranger was in fact a woman and not a man. It was strange, Felicity had only ever slept with man not of one moment did she ever think she was into girls. But she guessed that when intoxicated it didn't matter.

Felicity gathered her clothes from where they lied chaotically thrown everywhere. She quickly got dressed and attempted to find her way of the strangers apartment.

"Wait!" A sleepy voice called out just a Felicity reached of the doorknob. Felicity let out a small gasp, she was caught about to do the walk of shame. As Felicity turned around she saw that the woman was standing there wrapped up in her sheets. For a second Felicity wondered if this stranger was a killer, this is Star City after all. But then she saw the woman bit her lower lip and her eyes portrayed her own confusion.

"The least I can do is get you breakfast" the woman offered. Felicity nodded "such and some coffee if that isn't too much" The woman smiled "sure, but give me a second, I need to get dressed" she rushed off into her bedroom and came back with a perfectly fitted military jacket and sweatpants on instead of a sheet. Felicity mentally hit herself when she realised his much she liked the sight of the woman's bare shoulders when she was holding the sheet against herself. God she liked it a lot.

Felicity couldn't remember anything about the woman who told her to sit down. But when she reached over the table to hand Felicity her cup she noticed a name embroidered on the jacket. 'Blake'

The two sat on opposite side of the table, waiting for the microwave to re-heat the left overs. It was awkward to say the lest. In those two minuets Felicity focused on the way the jacket fitted her so wall and the name tag. 'Did it belong to a family member or friend? Was it...' Felicity's thoughts were cut of by a tiny repeating ding.

The woman got up and brought over two bowls of leftovers, placing it in front of Felicity. While the two ate in silent for a couple of moment. Felicity couldn't help but hated her friends for letting her get drunk and go to the home of a stranger...a very beautiful stranger.

The woman drummed her fingers quietly against the hardwood door, while Felicity felt guilty that she couldn't remember anything. "I'm so sorry, but I honestly can't remember who you are" she softly blurted out. For one moment she thought that she had made a mistake but when she looked at the woman across from her she saw a look of relief in her eyes.

"Oh thank god, neither do I" the woman let out a nervous laugh. "I'm Octavia Blake" the woman introduced her self, reaching her hand across the table. Felicity shook her hand and discovered she like the way her hand felt laced around hers.

"Felicity Smoak" she replied and readjusting her glasses. "So I guess that means the jacket is yours" Octavia looked down at her jacket "Yeah I was in the army" "Was?" Felicity's curiosity got the best of her.

"'s a long story" Octavia did her best to not talk about the war.

Just as Felicity was going to say something else her phone buzzed. She read the text then looked up at the woman "sorry I have to go" Octavia nodded "I understand" she smiled.

The two walked to the door. Felicity stood just outside the apartment door while Octavia stood inside. "It was really nice to re-meet you" Octavia stated

Felicity smiled brightly "it really was"

The two hugged awkwardly and said goodbye. Just as Felicity had turned the hallway corner, she heard a familiar voice. "Wait!" She turned back around to see Octavia jogging towards her.

"Did you forget something?" Felicity asked.

"Yeah I did" Octavia said and grabbed Felicity cheeks pulling her in and kissing her quickly yet filled with passion.

"That and my number" Octavia smiled and handed her a small piece of paper.

Felicity looked at the paper then back to the woman who was walking back to her apartment. But not before calling out "Call me if you wanna do this again, but minus the drinks"


// feel free the send in some prompts with a ship and I will do my best to make it happen. //

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