Klaus & Clary - prompt 124 "are you wearing my shirt?"

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Disclaimer; this chapter contains light fluff (I guess that's what to call it)

Clary reached out across the bed that belong to her love, unfortunately to her, her arm felt nothing but empty space. She opened her hazel eyes only to be greeted by the room filled with a soft hazy glow.
Clary felt a slight tug in her heart, when she had fallen to sleep she was using klaus' bare chest as her pillow and now the pillows were being used for their intended purpose.
Clary sat up, as she did she looked around the room. There at the opposite side stood the big bad wolf, Klaus.
The soft dime glow from the lamp he had on, casted shadows down his thankfully still bare back, his hair messy from the events for the early night hours.
Clary sat in the middle of Klaus big bad the sheets wrapped around her, making a metal note of the way he looked. 'Should have brought my sketchbook' she thought.
A few moments later and Klaus still hadn't noticed she was awake, so focused on the painting at hand. It made Clary smile softly, the hybrid who was always so angry, always ready to fight, was so clam. This is always the side of Klaus she loves the most.

Figured it was time for Klaus to come back to bed. Clary got up from the bed, careful to make no sound. She picked up the closest shirt, putting it one over her back laced undergarments. Thanks to all her shadowhunter training she was one of the only people able to sneak up on an original.
She wrapped her arms around her lover wrist. The unexpected touched caused a slight jump from Klaus, which in turn caused a smile about Clary lips. Klaus looked down at the arms around him. Her hands were intertwined just under his belly button.
He tried to continue with his painting but Clary had better plans.
She nuzzled into his bare shoulder, she made sure that between the nuzzles to place feather soft kisses around his shoulder.
With his free hand, he ran his fingers around her still intertwined hands.
"Love_" he managed to get out before noticing the long sleeves covering her arms. It looked familiar to him, it wasn't one of hers.
Placing the painting brush down he tuned in her arms. The two lovers now face to face. Klaus looked down at her, taking in her appearance, of messy deep red hair and a shirt that was about two size to big for her.
"Are you wearing my shirt?" He asked in his soft morning voice.
Clary looked down at her shirt. "Hmm. Nope this is mine"
She brought her glaze back up to his. Her eyes were light and playful, Klaus' on the other hand were filled with lust. 'If she wants to play, I'll play'
With one swift move Klaus had picked her up causing a small gasp from her. Which as always caused a smirk to form upon Klaus' lips. Using his speed he carefully rammed her against the nearest wall. His eyes grow darker with a kind of playful lust. Clary wrapped her arms around his neck, one hand twisted around his curls.
"I'll asked again." Klaus leaned his forehead against hers, looking straight into her beautiful hazel eyes. "Are. You. Wearing. My. Shirt?" With each word he spoke he placed a kiss starting from her cheek ending at her neck. Her breath hitched, heart skipping a beat with every kiss.
"What are you gonna do about it if I am?" She asked half cocked.
"If you are then I'll just have to take back what's mine"
At first Clary thought he would put her down and use his speed to take the shirt, but much to her surprise that was the opposite.
Klaus run his hand across her leg, while his other remind on the wall supporting them both. His wandering hand found it's way under the shirt, the touch sent shivers down her spine. "Sure you don't want t0 tell the truth?" He whisper in a husky voice right before nipping at her ear.
"Where's the fun it that?" She whispered back.
The rest of the night, until drawn broke was spent going back and fourth about the shirt all while fooling around. By morning light, klaus' bedroom was a mess, books laid scattered over the floor, what little remaining clothes the two wore were now back on the floor.
Klaus was the first to break the silence. "You stole my shirt"
Clary laughed and lifted her head of Klause' chest to look at him, "pretty sure I'm not wearing a shirt"

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