Blakesmoak - Tell me you love me one last time.

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Drops of sweat formed all over her skin, her skin slowly fading just as her life slowly but surly was fading. Octavia laid still on the cold concrete marble floor, the only warmth was her own blood seeping out of the deep wound that laid across her stomach.

The brunette focus on keeping her breathing clam and steady. The voices from the com in her ear stated to become distorted, fading in and out, only partial words made it through to her.

Unaware of how much time had past, Octavia feared that she might not get the chance to say goodbye to the love and light of her life. And that would be her greatest regret.

The pain from the wound had died down to almost nothingness but a numb ghostly feeling of pain. Octavia could only assume that was a sign that she was getting closer to running out of time.
She could feel herself growing tired, sleep despite to take over. Making the change from living to dead more peaceful.

Through the haze in her eyes, Octavia watched as three sets of feet ran toward her. There were some inaudible words being shouted and one set of feet disappeared in the opposite direction then what they had came.  The remaining two pairs of feet came closer before one set came into focus more and the other pair froze two steps behind.

Felicity was able to take one look at Octavia before falling to her knees and reaching out of her girlfriend hand. "Octavia please, open your eyes" Felicity' voice was breaking with the thought of losing Octavia overtook her mind.
"Liccy" the brunettes voice was rough and dry. She opened her eyes looking up at the all to familiar face. Octavia managed a small smile which broke Felicity heart all the more.

Felicity looked over her shoulder at the other person. "Oliver we have to do something" the tears that she had been holding since hearing of this unfortunate accident threaten the spill. Oliver raised his hand slowly sliding of his hood and mask. He refused to met his ex's eyes. The vigilante shock his head, "there isn't"
"What do you mean there isn't?" She looked back at the same man who had escaped death more then once with shock and confused writing all over her face.
Oliver pointed at Octavia, still a part of him not wanting to believe it. "Look at her blood, it dark almost black" his voice was soft almost heartbroken.
"And?" Felicity questioned not understanding what that meant.
Oliver kneeled done next to Felicity and placed a hand on her shoulder, lightly squeezing it. "You need to say goodbye, she doesn't have long left" he stood back up ready to give some space to the two lovers. "I'm sorry" with that he left the building feeling guilty and shouldering the whole blame of the accident.

Felicity moved behind Octavia' head, ever so gently she lifted Octavia' head into her lap. Green eyes meeting blue ones, like so many times before.

"Tell me-" Octavia started before Felicity cut her off.
"Shh, don't" the blonde ran her hands across Octavia' cheeks.
"I need tell me that you love me one last time" Octavia managed to say it with little to no pauses.
"No, you ain't dying"
Octavia gave her a look, both of them knew that wasn't true. "Please I need to hear it"
Felicity nodded. The tears running rivers down her cheeks with no intention to stop.
"I love you." She sobbed out between the tears that recked through her body. "I have loved you since I meet you. Despite how completely and utterly different we are and the pointless fights..." Felicity was a mess, she had let this woman into her life, into her heart and now she laid dying in her arms. As for Octavia she cherished the sound of her voice and the words that spilled out.
"...I have always loved you Octavia Blake"

Octavia smiled weakly up at up her. All the memories and moments spent together flooded her thoughts. Her breaths fell more shallow as her time was quickly ending.
Octavia thought about something for a moment, going back and forth about it. She took one more look at Felicity who was bubbling nonsense and running her hands across Octavia' cheeks as if to remember the feel and shape of them.

The dying brunette reach down into her pocket trying to grab something. The movements didn't go unnoticed by Liccy who stop bubbling and watched with caution.

"Better late then never, right?" She laughed which brought the pain back. She took in a sharp breath, from both pain and nerves, Octavia gently reached up and placed something small into Felicity' hand.
With her free hand she cleaned the tears from her eyes. Slowly Felicity brought the small object up to view. The object was just a simple small black square box.
"I've been carrying that around for the last three months..." Octavia coughed, the metallic taste of blood returning to her mouth. "...just trying the find the right moment to ask" she laughed. "I've always had hell of a timing"

Felicity gently opened the box to revile a silver princess cut engagement ring. She gasped at the sight almost dropping the box.
"What? Why? How?" Felicity couldn't form one sentence, she was shocked.
"I just needed you to know that I love you more then anyone." Octavia felt a tear slid down the side of her face. She hated knowing that this would be the last time together. After everything they went through only to end up like this. It's tragic and unfair.

"You bitch, you proposed to me on your death bed" Felicity lightly hit her shoulder.
Octavia smirked "I didn't want to regret never asking. I should have asked sooner" she brought a hand up to cup Felicity cheek.
"Yes. It will always be a yes for you" new tears formed in her eyes, the perfect mix of sad and happy.
"Good to know"

The two stayed silent, just looking at the other. Blue eyes blurred behind tears and green eyes slowly faded.
The lack colour in her skin made her look sick. The shallow breathing barely seen. Her eyelids growing heavy with each passing second.

"Liccy..." Octavia broke the silence with Felicity favourite nickname. "May we meet again"
Felicity kissed Octavia' cold forehead, she closed her eyes and whispered "May we meet again"

With one final breath and all her remaining energy Octavia lend up a kissed her former girlfriend, now fiancé as deeply and passionate as she could.
Her head fell back down onto Felicity' lap, the ghost of a smile upon Octavia' lips.

And just like that she was gone. The light in her eyes burned out. The sound of her voice and laugh never to be heard again.

A.N|| I'm a mess right now. I've been a mess almost the whole time writing this.

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