Kara & Caitlin - "You're bleeding all over my furniture."

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Another one shot dedicated to FlashGirl25
For making me realise how much I love these two.
And how much I need more of them.
Short but sweet

The moment Caitlin unlocked the door to her apartment something felt different. She couldn't place it, it felt dangerous yet familiar.
Her first thought was that she was just being paranoid, late nights with next to no sleep at Star Labs and helping The Flash will do that to a girl.
But that definitely wasn't it.

Caitlin stepped in with caution, the door behind her latching shut with a soft click. The young doctor felt her heartbeat faster with every step she took. Slowly she crossed the kitchen and headed for the living room, where her attention was drawn to the broken bloody window.

Her eyes followed the blood trail as best as they could. In the dark moonlit room Caitlin could only make out the silhouette of someone crushed onto her couch.

In the dark, Caitlin felt the wall for the light switch. Turing it on but never taking her eyes of the couch, the warm glow lit up a familiar figure, only bloody. "Kara?" She breathed out.

Shocked and surprised Caitlin rushed over to the couch and kneeled down. The doctor side of her kicked in and her hands quickly made work of checking her injuries.
"Hey Cait...been a little while" Kara chocked out. Kara' injuries were slowly healing themselves underneath Caitlin' hands but unfortunately they were taking longer then Kara would have liked.

"Not that I haven't missed you, but what exactly are you doing here?" Caitlin questioned, before disappearing into what Kara guessed was the bathroom.
"Long story short..."Kara said with a grunt. "...I was fighting an alien and somehow ended up here"
Caitlin reappeared with a small first aid kit in hand. She raised her eyebrows at the Kryptonian. "And you just happen to crash land into my apartment"

"I might have crashed into a few other apartments before yours"

Caitlin laughed while shaking her head. Her steady hands worked on clearing up the slow hearing wonds. Changing each cotton ball everytime it got soaked with blood.
Despite knowing full well that Kara could handle a lot of pain, her doctor side was kicked into gear and she didn't want to bring anymore pain.
Seeing anyone of her friends hurt, no matter how fast they would heal, made her heart ache.

"you know, you're bleeding all over my furniture" Caitlin said halfhearted while gesturing at the mess she made.
Once Dr. Snow was done patching up Kara she quickly ducked into the other room and tossed the bloody medical supplies.

"Sorry, I promise I'll replace it" Kara spoke while making quick work to sit up and take in Caitlin's apartment.
"Kara that's not necessary" Caitlin replied.

Kara started to stand before her knees buckled out underneath her and she came slamming back down into the bloody couch.
Caitlin couldn't help but laugh at her leading to an evil stare being sent her way.

"Sorry. Why don't you stay here until morning and then Cisco can help get you back to your earth?" Caitlin offered.

"Sounds great" Kara laughed as she slumped back into the couch.

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