Theallen - 32: "are you still awake..?"

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I can't believe it's taken me this long to write a Theallen oneshot.
It's short but it's cute.


Moonlight shines through the open windows of the small apartment belonging to the youngest Queen. Things had been rough these last days, between Oliver being the mayor and trying to get Thea back onto the team and Central City with the metas, Barry and Thea barley spoke. When they did it wasn't like their usual conversation, it was small talk and if it wasn't small talk, it was them fighting about something stupid and pointless.

Thea had spent half the night tossing in bed, her subconscious refusing the let her sleep. Her mind to awake with crazy late night thoughts.
She stared out at the night city, the city that once felt like home but now felt lost and filled with pain.

There was a soft knock on her bedroom door, she kept her eyes closed not wanting to talk to whomever was on the other side, mostly Ollie. Hoping they would get the message and go away, was nothing but wishful thinking.

Thea was about to get up when the door softly creaked open, the person stepped in he leaned his body against the frame.
Barry took a moment of peace he looked at his girlfriend. Her short hair slightly a mess, her face completely relaxed. This was something Barry loved. The peaceful look of Thea sleeping, it without a doubt always calmed him. Except for the fact that Thea wasn't actually asleep.

"Hey..." Barry said no more then a whisper. "Are you still awake?"
Curse the day Thea gave his a key. Thea stirred before opening her eyes, the green of her eyes shined in the moonlight as she looked up at Barry.

"Yeah.." Thea's voice creaked. She rubbed the sleep out from her eyes before sitting up to look at Barry. "w-what are you doing here?"

Barry sat on the edge of her bed, he looked down at his hands. "I felt bad, that last time we talked it didn't go over so well"
"It wasn't your fault, we're both dealing with a lot"
"Barr," she cut him off quickly, knowing full well where that sentence was going. "you've got to stop beating yourself up over it, not everything is your fault.
"I said some pretty stupid stuff that I didn't mean" his eyes still refusing to met her's
"Yeah you did" Thea brought her hand up to Barry' hair and her fingers running through his messy unkept hair. "But so did I"

The two set in silence, the only sounds heard were to outside world buzzing and in the room Barry's uneven breathing, his nerves still getting the best of him.

"You're not mad at me?" His voice was soft almost broken, he looked at her with his big puppy eyes.


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