Klary + Marcel- Car Crash

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A.N/ I feel like this isn't my best so I might make a part 2 for this, with more Klaus.

Clary' head was spinning, everything hurt. And she was upside down.  Great. She tried to make sense of what just happened. But it didn't make sense, the road was empty, but then out of nowhere someone was there.
still there, still standing. Clary thought as she looked out the broken car window seeing the mystery figures feet.

Clary struggled to get her leg free from the bent inwards metal. Her hands reaching down trying to set it free but ending up covered in a sticky thick substance. Her vision blurry, fading in and out. Clary finally got her leg free after ripping it free.
If it wasn't for her seatbelt, she would have fallen straight down onto the roof.
When the young red head looked back to the figure she saw that he was slowly getting closer, causing fear and panic to finally set in. She had to get out of the car if she wanted a fighting chance.

"You know I can't figure out why Nik is..." The mystery figure pause as if trying to find the right words "...so infatuated with you."
Clary dragged herself across the shattered glass, her left leg leaving a blood trail behind her. Though her blurry eyes and the dim lit street, she watched as the person responsible for the crash walked closer.

"A little, fragile human" the strangest spook again and in a flash he closed the space between them. Bring his boot down on Clarys possibly broken leg.
A scram ripped from her as he placed more pressure down.

"I must say I'm suprised" the man toyed with a piece of her curled red her, "you're not blonde, Klaus loves blondes."
He let go of her hair and run his fingers down the side of her face, trailing the blood. Clary flinted at his touch, the stranger who proved himself to be a vampire smirked, bring his now blood covered fingers to his mouth. Moaning at the taste of her. It was much more sweet and richer then most.
While the man was distracted with the taste of her blood, Clary dragged a shard of glass behind her, keeping her mostly okay hand resting on top of it.
The vampire, looked back at her. "Sorry here I was being rude, where's my manners. I'm Marcel."

The name didn't ring any bells, Klaus never talked about things back in New Orleans, and she never talked about being a Shadowhunter.

"Why are you doing this?" Clary finally found her voice.

"I can't kill Klaus..." The newly named vampire said while standing up "...killing you is the next best thing"

"You kill me and Klaus will kill you" it really was that simple, Klaus had already theatre so many life's, some just for flirting with her.
Marcel just let out an evil chuckle, "He'll try"

Marcel reached down attempt to grab Clary but his hand was met with a shard of glass, straight though his hand. The vampire cried out in pain and took a few steps back. Giving Clary time to get up and

Marcel laughed "oh so you're a fighter, that's gonna make this more fun" the smirk on his lips could be heard on his voice. To him this was a game.

The light from Clary' phone made it even harder to see, the knowledge that Marcel would soon have her in his grips had her heart thudding faster and faster.
Just as the young shadowhunter click call on a number she prayed was Klaus, a hand gripped the collar of her leather jacket yanking her backwards towards the open road.

Her body landing with a thump. Vision fading in and out. The outline of the vampire Marcel appearing closer and closer with each blink of her eyes.

"Please you don't....don't have to do this" Clary felt herself losing the willpower to keep her eyes open, the comfort of the dark void luring her closer.

"I'm only doing this cause Klaus made me" Marcel disclosed, reaching out to grip Clary.

Before his fingers tips even reached her he was being tackled with force away from her. The two silhouettes throwing punches, each trying to gain power over the other. The two were saying something, but all Clary heard was white noise.  Her eyes couldn't make out who the new figure was.

Was is Klaus or someone else?

Clary tried to move away from the fight unfolding in front of her, but her body refused to listen. Her subconscious slipping deeper, further into the void. Her body growing weaker with the passing seconds.

Even in the haze she knew.

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