Blakesmoak + Ella "she has a fever, I don't know what to do"

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Part 1/3 of JuliaMLeal birthday one shots.
3 most likely will be a late birthday present.

"Oh thank god, you're home" Octavia said, finally able to take a breath of relief. Felicity took one look at her wife and sighed. Octavia' hair tied up in a messy ponytail, still wearing her sweats from the previous night and Ella bouncing on her hip.

Felicity placed her bag down on the small table next to door before asking "what's wrong?"
"she has a fever, I don't know what to do"
"she was fine this morning. How long?" Although Felicity was now worried, she kept her voice soft. More so not to bring more stress to the clearly already overly stressed Octavia.
"I don't know, maybe a few hours after you left" the brunette sighed trying to think back to when she first noticed how warm Ella had gotten.

"you should have called me" Felicity walked up to her wife and daughter place it a hand gently on the youngest head feeling the warmth.
"I thought I could handle it" Felicity could swear she hear Octavia mutter 'I should be able' under her breath. "And I know you don't like being disturb at work" Octavia sighed an all to familiar sigh. The blonde looked at her wife with nothing but sincere in her eyes "Babe you're not an awful parent."

Felicity kissed Octavia' cheek before being the attention back on Ella, "I'll grab the medicine and hopefully that will take the fever down"
Octavia nodded as Felicity wondered down the hallway towards the bathroom. The brunette looked at Ella "Mom is home now, she'll help get you all better"
Ella hid her face into Octavia' shoulder, a crinkle forming between her eyebrows.
"oh please don't start crying again. I just got you to stop" Octavia said mostly to herself in a hushed tone while softly bouncing the two year old.

Felicity retuned from the bathroom medicine in hand. The blonde pointed towards the couch and Octavia followed suit, taking her spot on the end of the couch, resting Ella in the middle as Felicity sat down on the opposite side.

Octavia sat facing both, Ella and Felicity. Her elbow resting against the couch, her head resting on her hand. The brunette watched as her wife attempt to get their daughter to take the medicine.

A small smile crept onto Octavia' face at the stubbornness of their little girl. Seeing the ghost smile on her lips, Felicity shot her a look. A look that Octavia might be way to familiar with.

"Hey Munchkin. I know it's gross but if you take your medicine and it help you to feel better. I'll take you out for ice-cream"
At the mention of Ella' favourite treat, the young girls eyes widen and sparkling with eagerness. "with sprinkles and chocolate chips and and chocolate sauce?" Ella' words came out fast as she stumble over them.

Both parents smiled at the excitement their little girl has over ice-cream. "Of course. It wouldn't be ice-cream without the works on it.  But-" Octavia bopped Ella nose before continuing "-only once the fever if gone. Okay?"
Felicity rolled her eyes at site that just played out, causing Octavia to mouth 'I saw that' with a smirk upon her lips.

Felicity tuned her attention back to Ella and once more attempted to her Ella to take her medicine. As it turns out, with the bribe of ice-cream on the table, made it so Ella took the medicine without hesitation, still she make a face as she swallowed it down. But that much was expected.

Once Felicity was certain that Ella wasn't hiding the medicine, she grabbed the nearness cushion and placed it on her lap. Gently the blonde guided her daughter down, head resting up on her lap. Ella' feet stretched out brushing against Octavia' leg.

The family stayed sitting like this in a comfortable silence. Both parents watching over their girl as the medicine took effect and she slowly started to dose off. Helping to keep Ella asleep Felicity gently run hand hand through her messy hair.

Octavia started at them with love and amazement in her eyes. As much as she loves her wife and daughter part of her knows solely because of her past she would never be as great of a parent as Felicity.

"I know that look" Octavia quickly recovered from her thoughts, holding onto hope that Felicity wouldn't question it.
"What look?"
"The same look you get whenever you think you're not a good parent."

Octavia sighed, resting her head back against the couch looking up at the roof.
"Babe, you are doing an amazing job despite how you grew up. And I couldn't be more proud of you"  her words sincere.

"So are you" Octavia stated, before leaning carefully over their sleeping daughter to place a kiss on her wife's lips.

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