Blakesmoak The Walking Dead

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I clearly hate myself. Is that obvious?
This goes without saying but warning. Not a happy fic. Very sad ending.


Octavia braced her back against the shed door. She closed her eyes, taking the moment of peace to take a much needed breath. The brunette turned around looking out the windows at the dicrtion they had came. It looked empty. "I think we're all good" Octavia said, still looking out at the horizon.

Felicity felt herself growing weaker, the breaths getting harder to take. "O" her voice was soft and unheard to Octavia. "Octavia" her name sliped from her lips, bearly louder then a whisper.
The blondes knees gave out underneath her weight. She stumbled backwards into the wall, as she fell  to the floor she brought down old wooden selves with her. The crashing noise caught Octavia' attiction.

"Felicity!" Octaiva rushed over to her. Her guns tossed carelessly to the floor. "What happened?" She looked up and down the blonde body, taking in the sight of Felicity, her body coupsed on the floor, The shine of sweat covering her mixing with dirty and old blood. She looked more exusted then before.

"I'm sorry, O" Felicity' voice creaking.
"W-what are you talking about?"
Felicity slowly reached up to her shoulder, wincing as her hand came in contact. The pain of the slightest tough evident in her eyes. Octavia help Felicity moved the shirt slightly off her shouler, reliving the skin.

Her breath got caught in her throat. It felt like her whole world was shattering before her very eyes. Octavia' body gave out and she fell backwards. "no. Babe tell me that isn't what I think it is"
Finally the tears Felicity was holding back, welled in. "I wish I could"
"When?" She breathed out.
"As we were leaving, I guess" Felicity shrugged, trying to recall the exact moment she got bite. But everything was hectic and chaos when they were trying to escape the city limits.

Octavia didn't want to belive it, she couldn't. Between the two of them, they had seen enough deaths, both friend and foe, living and the undead, to know what's happening. The brunette ran a hand through her hair, trying to take in a deep breath. "there has to be something we can do."
"you know there isn't"
"I can't just let you die and become one of them!"
"you need to go, before it happens" Felicity fought back the tears, "I don't want to hurt you"

Octavia shook her head in disbelief and finally looked up at Felicity.  "No, no way. I'm not leaving you. We're in this together, always"

Felicity couldn't help but smile at the brunette, that she had came to love so dearly. "should have known my words would come back to hunt me" Had the situation been different she would be proud to know Octavia actually listens to her.

The two shared a look filled with both love and pain. They held there shared glaze for a few quite moments.  Octavia broken the comfortable yet tragic silence. "come here"

"No you need to go" Felicity said, it almost sounding like a beg.
"I'm not leaving that's final"

"There still no chance I can get you to leave?" Octaiva shook her head, hand still reaching out. "Stubborn" Felcity muttered, taking Octavia' hand and letting her gentaly reposition her. "That's one of the reasons you love me" Octavia stated.

The new position felt warmer, safer, almost normal.  Felicity' back against Octavia' chest. Octavia hands wrapped around the blonde waist.  Hands lossy intertwined with Felicity lap. Octavia sighed deeply before resting her head on Felicity good shoulder.

"remember that night you asked what I dreamt of?" Octavia asked. Her eyes looking down at their hands.
"course, you said you don't dream" Felicity said weakly with a hint of a smile.
"Once I meet you and fell so hard for you, I stated to dream about what our life would have been like if none of this happened.
You probably would've hated me, but I would somehow found a way to stick around until you realise you actually liked me." Octavia paused for a moments as if lost in thought.

It took Felicity a moment to realise what O was doing. And as heartbreaking as it was there was a sense of relief to it. The knowledge that if she wasn't strong enough, that it wouldn't matter.
She squeezed at Octavia' hands to continue. And with a sad heavy sigh she did. "I dreamed that we would be happy. We'd fight a lot but that's just cause we love to hard, cause we couldn't be more different.
No one could understand how we make it work. We just do. We don't try and change the other, after all I fell for you, just the way you are.
After a while of being together, without meaning to we'd find a kid who needs us. You would be the one who talks me into adopting her."
"Of course" Felicity cuts in with a small laugh.
"Of course. We'd make it work, give that little kid better then what we had"

As Octavia spoke about her dreams one of her hands slipped out of Felicity' reaching around her for her previously discarded weapons.

"You and me would lay in bed together every night, you laying your head on my chest and my hands curling in your hair without a care.
And for those nights we weren't together. We'd simple looking to the night sky, seeing the stars and the moon and we would know that the other was looking right back. Cause no amount of distance could ever stop me from loving you." Octavia' voice creaked. The brunette clearly close to tears.

She placed a kiss onto Liccy' cheek. It was warm from the fever and wet from the blondes tears.
"I love's okay" the words barely made any sound. But it was all Octavia needed to hear.

The brunette removed her head from its resting spot on her shoulder, leaning it back into the wall with a loud thump. Her breathing coming short and shaking. Her green eyes shut tightly, fighting a losing batter to keep the tears at bay.

With an unsteady hand she brought her gun up. Resting the muzzle against Felicity' temple. The gun shaking as Octavia tried to clam her breathing and steady herself, but it was impossible. Octavia felt Felicity nod telling her it was time. It was now or never and Octavia couldn't stand the thought of letting the love her of live becoming one of those.

Her finger ghosting over the trigger. Every moment the two had spent together all came flooding forwards. The sound of her laugh, the light in her eyes...
And just like that it was all gone.

All that was left is the sound of the shell casing hitting the cold floor and the cries that ripped from Octavia,

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