Klary - even the devil was once an angel

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This one is for  FlashGirl25
Since the last Klary one shot was kinda mean
And I left it unknown if Clary survived and if it was
Klaus who saved her.
And I still don't know if I'm gonna write part 2

And I still don't know if I'm gonna write part 2

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Clary laid with her head on Klaus' bare chest, her arm outstretched traceing the tattoo of his shoulder.
Klaus curled his fingers though her red curls. His thoughts running away from him, bring him to an all to familiar dreadful thought.
The frown upon his face caught the attention of Clary.
"What's wrong?" She asked, propping herself up on her elbows.

"It's nothing love" he lied.
Clary sighed, sitting up. "Klaus we talked about this, no more lies and secrets"
" I'm not lying"  his eyes refusing to meet hers.
"Yes you are, I know that look you had"

Clary held both of his hands between hers. She genuinely squeezed his hands, as she had done so many times before to show him support.
"Talk to me"

One thing Klaus never wanted to do was to burden the love and light of his life with his demons and shadow coved thoughts. He came close to losing her once, he didn't want to lose her again because he tried to keep his demons at bay.

"H-how do you bare to lay with someone like me...a monster"  his british accent softer then ever  before. his blue eyes still refusing to meet hers. "h-how do you even...love me?"

With every break in his voice, Clary's heart broke with it. This side of Klaus was a rare site. She had seen a softer side of him, but this...the broken side. Klaus almost never let anyone see him so weak and vulnerable.

Clary cupped his cheeks forcing him to look at her. "you think you're this monster...this devil. but I don't see you like that" she spoken to him, her fingers brushing circles on his cheeks. "yes you hurt people, but you do it for your family. And yes, technically speaking a vampire, werewolf hybrid is a monster...but you..." she rested her forehead against his. "...you were a human first and that never goes away"

She took a moment to pause and let what she had just stated sink in. At some point during her talking Klaus had closed his eyes, taking in every work she said, as well as the sound of her voice. anytime she talked to him, it was always sincere.

"and hey, even the devil was once an angel. And everyone loves angels"  she smiled brightly at him. 

Klaus looked at Clary her eyes still shining with kindness. A single tear escaped from his eye, leaving a damp trail down his cheek. Somehow Clary who had seen so much evil and darkness still saw good even in the darkest of people.

"how did I get so lucky to find you?" Klaus asked between this kisses he placed on her cheeks and lips.

"wrong place, right time"  Clary smiled at the memory of them meeting, and more then happily returned the kisses.

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