Blakesmoak - "you are my light"

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A.N// I don't remember where I saw this prompt (probably in one of my many prompt lists) but I knew it had to be a sad sweet blakesmoak

also I'm trying out a new nickname for Felicity that only Octavia uses. 😊 JuliaMLeal you need to let me know what you think about the nickname, should it stay or let it never be said again?


"Okay I know that hurt you and I'm sorry, truly" Octavia said once again as the tears caused pool in her eyes, blurring her vison. "Please Liccy hear me out and if you still don't believe me or trust me... I leave and I won't come back"

Still with her back turned Felicity softly nodded for Octavia to say her bit. "please look at me, I don't want to talk to your back" Octavia stated.

But Felicity shock her head, her voice caught in her throat. She knew that if she was to face O, to look into her sad hurt green eyes it would break her. She needed to be strong.

The brunette let out a sigh at her girlfriend stubbornness 'and here I thought I was the unreasonable one' with one finale sigh as she nervously run her hand through her long brown hair.

"I know that I keep screwing up and some how you're still here. I'm more lucky then I should be. And I shouldn't be taking you for granted. I'm used to only having to think about myself" Octavia took a moment to pause, thinking about what she wanted to say next.

"You will never be able to understand how truely sorry I am. I forget that every time I walk of that door, you are left wondering for days if I'm okay, if I'm coming back alive"
She walked in front of her blonde girlfriend. Her rough reached down to grab Felicity' soft small ones. Felicity tried to pull her hands back but O refused to let them go. Octavia rubbed hand thumbs over the hackers hands.

"Say the word and I'll give it all up" Octavia' said barely more then a whisper.
"I can't lose you and if keeping you in my life means giving up the only thing I know and being, what was it you said?"


Octavia chuckled "yeah normal. I'll do that for you. Babe, you are my light" Octavia took a step back dropping the blondes hands once she realised Felicity still hadn't looked up.
And to be honest, it broke her heart to know that she might lost her love.
"B-but as I said if you don't believe me, I'll leave"  O dropped her hand as she turned around and started for the door. Until she felt those same soft hands reach hers and pull her back.

Felicity for the first time since the fight began looked up into Octavia's eyes, the pain was paired with sadness. The hacker hated herself for knowing that those beautiful green eyes held so much pain just at the thought of losing her.

Felicity pulled Octavia closer before closing the gap with a kiss. The blonde didn't trust her voice to show O how she truly felt so she kissed her deeply. Pouring everything she felt into the kiss, all the love all the angry and frustration.
In return Octavia kissed back her emotions flowing into the kiss. Her hands found their way into her messy blonde hair.

Felicity pulled away to breathe, she rested her forehead on her Octavia'
"I believe you" Felicity whispered, her eyes still closed.

Octavia looked at Felicity so happy had just heard those words. She kissed her thankfully still girlfriend lips again.
"I mean it Liccy you are my light, my world was nothing but darkness and pain until I met you. You mean everything to me"

A.N/ it's short. Sorry. 😔 I was gonna write the make up sex but I don't know how I feel about writing smut much less if any one wants to read that. 😬
This also wasn't the idea I had planned but I forgot half of what I wanted this to be so this is the next best thing 😓

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