Last video - Blakesmoak

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This chapter is for JuliaMLeal who I know is gonna wanna kill me after reading this. Like always, but just think of this, you will get your revenge whenever you finish/post that family video  :)
And as always sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.

Oliver walked up to Felicity, who was sitting at her desk in the arrow cave (as she lied to call it) he cleared his though to get her to notice him.
"Felicity..." He took a moment to gather his thoughts. "This was just found" he placed a USB down on the desk in front of her and squatted down to be eye leave with her, he placed a hand on her knee. "Take your time but take a look at it." He gave her a soft sad smile.
And with that Oliver left her alone.

She played with the USB between her fingers. It didn't make sense to her what would be on this, then of course nothing was making sense to her right now. Her whole world had fallen around her in the matter of minutes, no in the matter of one phone call and the matter of two sentences. Both she still remember perfectly.

After a short moment Felicity plugged the USB in and straight away a folder opened up with one single file. A video file titled 'Felicity' her heart skipped a beat and not the good kind.

The video started up just a slip second after she had clicked it.
The screen stated off black, but then Octavia moved the camera to show her, Felicity could see her taking a deep breath. She had her hair back in braids and off her face, which showed old cuts mixed in with new ones.

"Hey you... Felicity if you...well if you're seeing this...oh I hope you're not. " Felicity had to bite her lip to stop herself from letting the already forming tears from falling. Octavia on the screen looked exhausted, the bags under her eyes suggested a continuous lack of sleep. Her face and body was covered in dirt, even some old dried blood.

"If you're seeing this then I guess this is all over, I'm not one for praying, but I am praying that I make it back to you" Octavia paused and her eyes darted away from the screen. "But anyway back on track, this video is kinda a final goodbye, just for you"

Octavia looked down at her free hand and it clicked in Felicity's head, she filmed because she knew she wasn't coming back alive. She knew something about the fight, mostly something not many others knew.

"You see Felicity there has always been things I wanted to tell you" Octavia continued, her brow furrowed, she knew this was caused by some event that happens on the her side.

"So here they are and I'll keep them short. One: I have never been to thankful to meet someone. Two: no matter what happens, please don't ever change, And three : you are the most braves person I've met, you risk so much to save so many others. And that is one of the many reasons I love you."

Felicity froze at the words coming from the screen, did she just say that? Was she hearing things? Her brows furrowed and she bit her lip again, in that way that Octavia would have melted over.

Octavia smiled softly to herself and swallowed hard, thinking about what she had just said. "If I make it back to you, that will be the first thing I say" Octavia's eyes darted in the direction of what Felicity could only desirable as war drums.

"And if I don't make it back to you and you're watching this...then I'm so sorry" she paused, letting out a shaky breath "I'm sorry I never told you sooner, believe it or not I was scared. And I'm sorry to leave you." With that the video feed went black. It took a moment for the video to stop, during this time Felicity listed to audio of other people yelling and shots ringing out.

Felicity sat in her chair all alone, the tears running silence rivers down her cheeks. She could feel her heart breaking all over again, breaking into even smaller bits. "I love you to Octavia" she whispered between the sobs.

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