The phoiba of losing someone you love - Queenstilinski

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{ Originally posted on my Tumblr, also basted of a Tumblr prompt }

Ever since Stiles pieced together all the facts and confronted Thea about what she was doing, he never stopped worrying about her; even though he knew she could take care of herself.

Whenever Stiles thought back to the night he found out the truth, the respond Thea gave always made him smile. "You're gonna make a great detective someday, Stilinski"

His thoughts of that night faded when he heard his bedroom door creaked open. Stiles eyes shot up he thought maybe it was his dad checking on him once he got home from the night shift. But instead a beautiful, short, green eyed brunette stood in his door away. "Hi, you're up late" her voice was soft.

Stiles smiles softly at his girlfriend "yeah I can say the same about you"

It was when Stiles took in the site of Thea that he noticed the dried blood on her eyebrow and that her bottom lip was spilt.

The smile fall from this face and was replaced with concern. "Stiles don't, I'm fine. It's nothing" Thea told him as she stepped into his room.

Stiles got of his bed and walked up to her. His hands reaching up to softly cup her cheeks. "This isn't nothing Thea" he looked dead straight into her green eyes, but his voice still as soft as ever "you need to be more careful"

"I know, you say it all the time" Thea smiled and she reached up the grab Stiles hand, interlocking their fingers. "I promise ill try to be more careful" she gave him another soft sweet smile.

"Good cause thantophobia is my biggest fear" Stiles let of a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

"What is..?" Thea looked into his brown eyes confused."It's the phobia of losing someone you love" Stiles explained. "I can't lose you, not now, not ever" he said looking down.

Thea raised his head to look into his sad brown eyes, she places a soft quick kiss onto his lips "You won't, I promise"

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