Supercorp - "Dance...kiss...hell, everything's better in the rain."

139 6 2

Short but cute.
Lena still doesn't know Kara is Supergirl.
Start of Kara' and Lena' relationship.

   JuliaMLeal  birthday present.


The rain poured down with no sign of letting up. Kara hold her hand out feeling the coldness of the rain. There was something about the rain that brought a wave of peace to her.

Lena however, wasn't as keen on the gloomy weather. With the wind slowly picking up, Lena wrapped her oversize coat tighter around herself. Then the site of Kara steeping out into the rain, in no more then her light blue cardigan sent chills down her spine. "Kara, are you crazy? what are you doing in the rain?"

Kara just smiled that dorky loveable smile towards Lena, causing Lena to rise her eyebrow. "I really love the rain. Dance...kiss...hell, everything's better in the rain" Kara stated her option as if it was a fact.

The brunette watched as her best friend span around, clearly enjoying herself and the rain. Lena couldn't help the smile that found its way onto her lips. Even in the gloomy weather Kara still found a way to keep shining like the ray of sunshine she is.

"Sorry to bust your dreams Kara, but I don't think kissing in the rain is as romantic as in seems in the movies." As Lena spook, Kara stoped spinning. The blonde faked gasp resting her hand over her heart. The fake shock faded just as fast as it appeared.

"how would you know? Have you ever kissed someone in the rain before or been kissed in the rain? Kara asked her voice shaking slight. Halve scared of what Lena' answer would be.

"I haven't. But realistically it wouldn't be. Having rain pouring down on you while trying to kiss someone, for staters it's cold, second surly it would find it's way into said peoples mouths making it awkward. And lastly that doesn't sound appealing"

"you never know until you try it" Kara said with a ghost of a smirk playing on her lips.

Lena' eyes widened and she shook her head. "Kara no. Don't even thing about it"
Kara ignored Lena' words. If she was going to do this she needed to not lose confidents. The blonde reporter took a few steeps forwards, closing the gap between them.

"Kara" Lena held up her hands up in protest. "Lena" Kara replied, while gently taking Lena' wrists in her hands. Tenderly Kara pulled Lena out into the rain. It was only a matter of seconds before Lena was fully drenched.

Thanks to the heels Lena wore, she stood a few inches taller then Kara. Maybe it was just being with Lena or it was something else but the usually shy and awkward blonde found a way to keep the confidence. Cupping Lena' cheeks, Kara gently pulled Lena toward her placing a soft kiss upon her lips.
Lena hesitated for a beat before giving into the kiss and letting herself have what she wanted.

The second Lena' hands found their way to Kara' hips, Kara depend the kiss. Everything that they felt for each other finally coming to the surface with no worries.

When Lena finally pulled away to breath there was no stoping the soft wow that found its way out, if Kara was human she definitely wouldn't have heard it.
"See? Not that bad" Kara said, earning a light smack from Lena.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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