Queenstilinski - Gone

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You see, death doesn't happen to you. It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it?


Hey it's Thea, either I'm ignoring you or I'm busy. So if it's important you know what to do. Beep. And just like that the voicemail was over.  Stiles' finger froze over the redial button, he stared down at it, bitting his lip with a brute force that drew blood.

He could taste it, the metallic twang on his lips was all to familiar. The pain of it felt better then the nothingness inside him. The nothingness pain of knowing he would never see her again. That a little under a week ago he lost her and he wasn't able to save her like how she always saved him.

Stiles hated with more then a fiery passion, the unknown being who decided it should be her, who's life he/her stole. Someone who was so young, so filled with life despite everything she had lived through.  Someone so beautiful with more to offer taken to soon.

A single tear fell from his eye leaving behind a river on his cheek. The tear landed on his phone. Stiles took his phone and tossed it across the room into the wall, hoping it would shatter into pieces just like his heart. But instead it bounced back and landing screen up with a thud at his feet. Stiles looked down at it, regretting it right away as his phone lock screen was lit up showing the image of when he first met Thea and as if by some sick fate most of the cracks covered her.

This was the last thing Stiles could take. All the built up anger, hate, pain, regret, hurt that he had been suppressing finally came bubbling to the surface. The tears he never let out fell like a rushing river. The tears felt like they would never end.

He got up from his bed walking over to his desk, where she had sat so many times; watching him try to piece together whatever crime/supernatural case he was working on. With one single swap of his arms everything crashed to the floor.  Paper and photographs flew in the air for a moment before landing in piles all over his bedroom floor.

Stiles brought his fist down into the middle of his desk. With the second punch the desk fell apart causing a loud bang to echo throughout the household.

Next to be destroyed in his rage was his whiteboard. It was homed to images and news articles about the Star City vigilantes and their villains. The board was set up to look like he didn't know the true identity's of the vigilantes but truth to be told, he did.
But now the whiteboard lied broken, photographs tore apart. A complete and total mess but he didn't care. Nothing matter to him anymore.

It hurt everything reminded him of her...It hurt a lot.

Stiles moved around his room, time lost to him as he smashed, ripped. All in all wracking everything in his room. The broken glass from his former bedside lamp barely fazed him as his knees connected with the shards.
Both mentally and physically exhausted and yet the tears kept flowing. His body racked. His room matching how he felt on the inside.

A few moments of silence crying passed before two strong arms pulled him hug. At first he fought the arms, hell he kicked and struggled against the grip but eventually he gave up.
Stiles let more tears and whimpers reck through his body. The arm which of course belonged to Oliver kept a firm grip on him. Somehow Oliver just being there gave him the support he didn't know he needed.

Oliver wasn't much of a huger but he had made a promise to his little sister on her death bed, to take care of Stiles as if he was part of the family, to not let Stiles do anything stupid once she was gone.

Once Stiles had calmed down and found his voice, he sounded like a broken record. "She's really gone, Thea is gone"
It broke Oliver to see Stiles effected like this, he used to be so stupidly annoyingly, happy and excited about everything. Not to mention reckless. So full of life that had disappeared when Thea' life had ended.
Until now he hadn't realised how much his baby sister had effected him in the short time they had together.

Oliver easily picked Stiles up of the ground, his hand on Stiles' arm supporting him to stand up and walked him over to his bed.

"Before she...died" Oliver said with a broken voice, still not wanted to believe the words coming from his mouth "Thea convinced me to get our friends in Central City to make you this" Oliver pulled out a small black box from his jacket pocket, awaiting stiles to take it.

Stiles looked up from his hands, slowly with shaking hands he took the box. The box now resting on his lap, had it been a different time he would have ripped it open with out hesitation.

The bed dipped under Oliver's weight. He rested his hand Stiles' shoulder offering some sense of comfort. Stiles took it as his que to open the box. With on simple motion he pulled the box lid off and reviled what was inside. The last gift Thea would ever give him.

In the box lined with silk, lied a black mask, very similar to the one Thea had wore as Speedy. Stiles lightly run his finger across it, feeling each and every familiar detail.  Seeing a similar mask that his lover had wore made tears well in his eyes.

"I might not have agreed with my sister on this but I know that one day you'll be fit to wear it in her memory"

"W-why?" was all Stiles would managed.

"Thea wanted you to have something more then just a hood and baseball bat to keep you safe. She told me that 'even if he doesn't seem like it, I know someday he'll be a great hero. He just needs some practice...okay maybe a lot of practice' she believed in you from the stared even when no one else did."
Oliver squeezed Stiles' shoulder lightly whether to show Stiles more support or to stop his own voice from breaking remains unknown.

"and because I love my baby sister, when the time is right. I'll make sure you become the person she saw you becoming" with that said, Oliver got up from Stiles' bed, ready to leave and head back to the city that used to feel like home. He was stoped mid step when Stiles with a shattered voice spoke a simple "thank you"

Oliver nodded and offered a half smile before leaving.

It took Stiles removing the mask from the box to see that small card. He made quick to turn it over. His breath hitched in his throat. His shaking fingers followed the curve of each letter.
You see that card read the exact word he had spoken to her as Speedy when she saved him the first time.

You are my hero.


A.N// I'm not crying, I just have something in my eyes.
I really want to write more BigBrother!Oliver & Thea'sBoyFriend!Stiles

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