Octavia & Ella+Bo - "you shouldn't be trusted with small children, should you?"

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This is short but adorable. Enjoy. :) Still in love with this gif that Julia made.


Felicity had agreed to take care of Daisy's and Simmons kid for the day, after all Bo and Ella got along great. If Ella got upset or bored Bo would use her powers to entertainment her. However whenever one of her moms caught her she got in trouble. Still it never stoped her.

Jemma always said Bo was more like Daisy then she realised.

But a few hours into the babysitting of the two girls Felicity got a call from Oliver needing her help, knowing that Oliver wouldn't stop calling or he would even show up at her apartment.

Felicity had to leave Bo and Ella in the care of Octavia. Alone.
"I'll only be gone an hour, you'll be fine babe." The blonde said with a quick peek on the lips of her girlfriend before turning and walking out.

That was a lie, Oliver always kept her longer then she said he would.

Octavia looked over at her daughter and Bo, the two were peacefully playing Ella with a princess doll in each hand and Bo with her stuffed turtle, Stanley. Figuring this would the best time to get emails done, or even finally response to Bellamy's nonstop messages.

The peace didn't last long for the brunette when Bo holding Ella's hand walked over to Octavia with a 'I'm trying to fool you into thinking I'm really cute and innocence' smile.

"What do you want and why are you using my daughter to help get it?' Octavia rised an eyebrow at the ten and two year olds.

"I just want a milkshake...or two" Bo simply stated.
"Cake!" Ella almost yelled at the top of her lungs, still not releasing how loud she could be.

O looked down at the two girls in front of her. "Last time you had more the one milkshake, it almost ended all over the place" she pointed at Bo clearly still remembering.
The brunette then picked up her daughter placing the two year old on her lap.
"You.." Octavia tickled her belly "...have too much of a sweet tooth munchkin" Ella laughed while nodding.
Both the young girls sang please in unison causing Octavia to cave, "fine but only one milkshake Bo, and cupcakes so you don't eat the whole cake"

Little did Octavia know giving in would be a mistake.


Upon hearing the door open Octavia looked up at the door, the two girls finally caught in each arm, all three covered from head to toe in floor chocolate batter and melted vanilla ice cream and who knows what else.

Felicity looked around the apartment, everything was a mess. The milkshake that Bo had wanted somehow during the food fight go knocked over and was spilling over the kitchen counter. A paste was forming from the water and flour. Egg shells laid everywhere, even some yolk could be seen slowly sliding down the walls.
A soft oh god could be heard slipping from her lips

"you shouldn't be trusted with small children, should you?" the blonde hacker said with a sigh.
"At less not alone and in my defence Bo and Ella stated it first" O replied with the same smile that made Felicity fall in love with her.

There was no way Felicity was gonna stay made at the three trouble makers.

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