Queenstilinski - It's late. Shouldn't you be asleep?

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A.N// its short and kind of sad but mostly sweet. And I need to start being okay with writing short one shots.

One of the worst feelings Stiles had come to know over the past months was the feeling of loneliness each time he woke up to an empty bed. Tonight marks the 11th time he reached out in his sleep only to be met with the cold empty side, where his girlfriend usually laid. And without fail each time he woke up, missing Thea and worrying about her.

Usually he would stay in bed and wait for her to return. Most of the time she did, sometimes she would smell of smoke or wet for her quick shower clearly to remove any dirt from her and rid herself of her late night actives. However, some nights she would return as if she hadn't been out being a vigilante. And there was a few times where she wouldn't. And Stiles would find her downstairs in the morning, a cup of coffee in hand and one waiting for him.

However tonight was different. As Stiles lied in bed staring up at the ceiling he could hear the soft steps of Thea pacing. Which brought a tiny amount of comfort to him. To say that Stiles hated the life Thea lived as a vigilante. He said a silent thanks knowing that Thea was home safe.

Stiles thought about what to do, either stay in bed and try to go back to sleep or go and see what's wrong. The two might be dating but he learnt early on that Thea likes her space and hated it when he pried.

His need to know everything won the better of him, his mind settling on fining out what was keeping her up at night. Flinging the covers off he sat up and quickly rubbed the sleep from his heavy eyes, before getting out of the warmth and dragging his feet across the cold hardwood floor.

As he descended the stairs he took in the empty wine bottle, the glass knocked over with a small pool of red liquid forming around it's rim. Her back facing him as she stares out the window.

"It's late. Shouldn't you be asleep?" Stiles asked, his voice gentle, hoping not to startled her as he walked down the final steps.

"I could say the same about you" Thea replied her voice soft and her back still turned to him. Stiles closed the gap between them. "Well I was. Until I woke up alone..." he wrapped his arms around her wrist. "...again." Thea' body tensed up for a moment before she sighed and relaxed into his embrace.  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your sleep" Stiles placed soft kisses from the base of her ear down to her collarbone. "Don't do that. You don't need to apologize" Stiles sighed, his hands moved to her hips motioning for her to turn around to face him. And she did without hesitation. "I just wish you had of woken me up" "and deal with grumpy sleep deprived Stiles? Hard pass."

"I'm not that bad" his voice raised a little. Thea raised an eyebrow at him. "Yeah, okay. I can" admitting defeat shaking his head as Thea looked up at him with a smile.

Stiles pulled Thea closer, tighten his hold on her just enough to offer more comfort. "Do I want to know what's troubling you tonight?"

"Probably not"

"If I asked you what's going on, would you tell me?" Stiles muttered softly into her hair.

Thea shock her head before nuzzling into Stiles' chest. Her eyes stung with unshed tears, the haunting memory playing on a loop. All Thea wanted to do was forgot the nights events and being in Stiles' arm made it almost possible.

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