Say you like me

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"So you're telling me that you have feelings for Ross?" Rydel asks for the 8 millionth time.

"Yes, Rydel. I admit, I like Ross Shor Lynch." I try to make things as clear as possible for her.

"FINALLY OH MY GOD! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW LONG I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY??" She shakes my shoulders. I pry her off of me.

"Geez, who put extra sugar in your Fruit Loops today?" I mutter.

"Stop trying to change the subject!" She smacks me with a pillow.

"Well what else do you want me to say? I like your brother. The end." I say. She looks at me. She knows that deep down, I want to tell her all about it. Darn her and her knowing me so well. I take a deep breath.

Rydel's POV

"I guess the thing that bothers me the most is that I have absolutely no idea if he feels the same way. I mean, sometimes he does the sweetest things and makes me feel like the most special girl in the world. Then he goes and flirts with other girls right in front of me." She says. Wow Ross. Dick move. "Like last night, Rocky was playing music and the Man Who Can't Be Moved came on so Ross and I decided to slow dance. Then we got talking and he told me he hated the way that guys checked me out and he needed to be next to me. Like what the hell is that supposed to mean?" she groans and falls back on the bed. "I just don't know what to do." her voice is muffled from under the pillow.

Ok Rydel. I know it's tempting to tell her that Ross feels the same way, but it's not your place. Even though it would make everyone's lives easier....... Nope, no! Ugh, but it's like they're so in love with each other and they're completely oblivious! It's so frustrating.

I take a deep breath. If I'm not going to tell, I need to pressure Ross into doing it. "If you're really curious, why don't you just ask?" I say. She lifts the pillow off her face.

"And say what? 'Hey Ross, yeah I know we've been best friends for 6 years, but I think I'm falling for you. Any chance you feel the same way?' Yeah I don't think that's happening." She says.

Well it was worth a shot.

"I think I'm gonna go home. I have a project that's not going to finish itself." She gets up and grabs her coat. "See ya!" She calls on her way out.

I sigh. Ok, there has got to be a way for this to work. I walk down the stairs and continue to think. I need to meddle without it seeming like I'm meddling.

Rydel, meddling is bad!

But it's for their own good! What harm could it do?

It could ruin their friendship if it doesn't work out!

But they never know until they try!

"Would you just shut up!" I say out loud to the voices in my head. Riker, who's at the kitchen island, gives me a weird look.

"Will who shut up?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows together. I laugh nervously.

"Um, no-0ne."

Man, I'm going crazy. I walk into the living room and see Ross with the laptop.

"Hey bro. Whatchya doing?" I ask. He looks up and takes out his ear phones.

"Old videos." He unplugs the earphones and turns the laptop around. There, in all it's glory, is a very old video of Ross and Courtney. They made up a dance to Poker Face and they videoed it.

"Ross, are you ever going to tell her how you feel?" I ask. So much for being subtle.

"No, probably not. She probably doesn't feel the same way." He says.

"You never know until you ask."

"I don't even know if I want a relationship right now! This whole thing just came out of the left field and I'm still trying to get a handle on it myself." He tells me. I laugh.

"Ross, you don't have to ask her to be your girlfriend. You don't even have to ask her on a date. All you need to do is tell her how you feel." I reply. He shrugs. Then, an idea pops in my brain.

"If you don't want to tell her in person, I have a really good, very cute idea." I grin. He leans in and I whisper my idea to him. When he pulls back, he's smiling like an idiot. "It'll take a lot of work." I warn. He nods.

"I know."

"We need to get started right away."

"I know."

I smile brightly. This is going to be awesome.

Courtney's POV

Ross has been acting distant lately. I barely talk to him and when I do, he rushes me away. He must be planning something. Or working on a song. Or both. Either way, it's bringing me down.

"Talk to Ross yet?" Blake asks as we're sitting on my bed, reading magazines.

"No, oh my gosh. The whole family has been really weird for like the past week. I don't know what's going on with them, it's weird." I tell her. Blake shrugs and leans back, phone in hand, presumably to check twitter. I hear my phone tweet from across the room at the same time as I see Blake's mouth drop.

"I think I know why they've all been weird. Check your phone!" I get up and pull my phone off the charger. It's just because Ross tweeted.

"@rossR5: @itmecourtney this may not mean anything to you but..."

Below is a YouTube link. Curious, I tap on it and wait for the video to load. It's an R5 cover to Say You Like Me by we the kings.

"She's the girl that no-one ever knows. And I say hi but she's too shy, to say hello. She's just waiting for that one, to take her hand and shake her up. I bet I could." Ross sings. The video keeps playing as they're jumping around outside their garage. The music in the background fades a bit and I see an old home movie.

"Ross and I are going to be friends forever." I tell the camera. Ross nods.

"I don't know what I would do without her in my life." He smiles at me and I smile back. The home video cuts out and the music is back to full volume. As Ross goes into the bridge, a montage of videos of us come into the screen. "You're an angel, grab your halo. And let's fly, tonight!" Pictures of me and Ross hugging, videos of us dancing, you name it and it's on the screen. Them they fade out and I see them back on the screen. "Because I'm never going down, I'm never givin up. I'm never gonna leave so put your hands up. If you like me, then say you like me." He sings softly. Then Ellington bangs on the drums and they start rocking out again. Ross is doing this weird foot twitch thing as he's playing, but I think it's cute. Really cute.

They play the last note and as the music is fading out, I hear my voice.

"I love you Ross."

"I love you too Court."

Blake and I just stare at each other. "I think he just told you he liked you." Blake says. I grab a pillow and scream into it. Then once I've calmed down I open Ross' contact on my phone.

To: Rossy Jersey Shor

I like you.

Then I press send.


OMFG guys i have been waiting to post this chapter forever. I got the idea like two months ago and I'm like ahhhhhhhshqosnaosmsnakaosna must do this.

Follow my instagrams @r5fanfics_imagines and my personal @court_my_court thanks!!!

Stay beautiful,


Love To Love Her (A Ross Lynch/R5 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now