Unexpected visits

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Read the authors note at the bottom please :)

I spend the next few hours curled up in a ball in my bed. I've tried to put on music, to take my mind off it - I knew it wasn't going to work as soon as I pressed 'shuffle' and an R5 song came on. I tried to go on twitter - I knew that wasn't going to work when I saw Ross all over my mentions. I guess some fans really took to shipping Ross and I after the whole video thing, and it was amplified during that Radio Disney interview he did that was oddly focused on me.

So now I'm just in my bed, staring at the ceiling and contemplating life. I usually save that kind of deep thinking for the shower, but I had one this morning and I need to think right now so...... yeah.

Ethan and I have barely been together a month; our relationship can't handle this much turmoil. Well, he doesn't know about the newest termoil, but let's just say he wasn't the happiest of campers during the interview, or watching the Loud video. In fact, he isn't too happy about our friendship. He has no problem with Ross...... just with how close we are.

Things could have been a lot easier - meaning I wouldn't be going through so much emotional distress right now - if Ethan had answered his goddamn phone when I had called him. I guess it wasn't a surprise he didn't answer- I mean, why in the world would he answer a call from his girlfriend? Absolutely freaking ridiculous.

Yeah I'm totally bitter about it.

I've got one guy who wants me, but can't be with me on account of his career. Despite that, he still makes me feel like the most special girl in the world every time I'm with him. He would run around the Earth and beyond to make sure I was being treated right. Alrighty.

Then I've got another guy - my boyfriend - who lives on the other side of the country, who I started dating on a whim to get the other boy out of my head, and who clearly doesn't know that in order to keep up a long distance relationship, you actually have to get off your lazy ass and use a phone once in a while. He seems to have no problem using his phone instagramming pictures of his dog Francesco or tweeting about some mindless shit that nobody gives a flying donkey about.

I slam a pillow onto my face and groan loudly in utter frustration. "Screw men!" I yell loudly, only to have my voice muffled by the pillow on my face. "Screw them all and their stupid mind games. They think women are difficult? I can't figure men out!"

Maybe I should join a nice convent. Yeah, being a nun wouldn't be so bad.... Although black and white floor length dress coat things aren't really my thing.

So icksnay* on the nun idea then.

Stuff like this never happened to me before, and now life has decided to pile all this on me at once. Thanks life. Thanks a lot. THATS COOL.

"You know, while we're screwing people, screw life too!" I exclaim, taking the pillow off my face but not opening my eyes. "Screw men, screw life, screw Ethan, screw Ross...... ugh."

"That's a little harsh, don't you think." A voice comes from my doorway and I nearly pee my pants. I open my eyes quickly and see Ross leaning against my doorway, not even trying to be so nonchalant but still managing to do so. Man, I wish I had his composure under these situations some times. I'm just an awkward mess. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

At his soft chuckle, I soften and just let myself take him in. He's changed since I last saw him; I'm pretty sure he mentioned something about rehearsal so he probably had to shower after that. He looks like a typical All-American boy, wearing ripped jeans, Converse, and a white shirt that wasn't too tight, but tight enough for me to see the outline of his six pack. Covering his arms, though, was a blue flannel shirt. I involuntarily lick my lips at the sight. I may have a boyfriend, but even I can admit that he's hot. Really hot. Pushing the boundaries of being hotter than my boyfriend..... uh what was his name again?

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