Chapter 5

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After a few hours of listening to this large man snore I wriggle out from underneath the bed. I quietly rise from the ground and take a look at the man who destroyed the door. 

He's much different to what I imagined. He's quite short and stack, but what keeps attracting my attention is his bald head, there are black markings which I'm pretty sure are a whole lot of tattoos, spread across where his hair should be. 

The black tattoos make his sickly pale white skin stand out. It's so pale it's almost not human. But I'll leave it for now. I jump over the broken down door and look down the hallway. It ends in a few meters so that way won't work. 

I head down in the opposite direction hoping to find some empty bedrooms. I come to an open door, I peak my head around the corner and what looks like a tall built man is sleeping in the bed. I can't make out what he looks like so I continue on. 

I sneak around the corner of the hallway and see a figure standing at the end. He notices me and his expression changes. 

"Excuse me, you are not authorized to be in these areas."

Something at the end of the hallway on the security screen catches my eye, it's a symbol, I haven't seen it, nor do I recognize it. But I'm being drawn to it. Wait, I have seen that, it’s the same symbol that some kids burnt into a farmer’s field. 

It looks a lot like the loralite necklace I have around my neck, luckily it's under my scarf. I turn around slowly unsure of what I'm going to do. That man looked awfully like...

I turn around as quick as light. I reach my arm forward and drag the man to the ceiling with my telekinesis. I hold his mouth shut so he can't yell. 

"Who are you? Why are you going to New York!!" I whisper harshly. 

It's the same man, the same one in my visions, the one who abducted Twelve, this is my chance to stop the prophecy. I let his mouth go lightly. 

"You scream or yell, ill snap your neck." I growl. This Mog would kill 12 he wouldn't care. He's a Mog! That's what they do! They're vicious murderers. Wiped out my whole planet for the 'great expansion' even know they don't even use Lorien. They just leave our beloved Lorien in darkness, in despair. 

"Wait, you’re not supposed to be on this boat? How did you get on here? And how are you holding me up? Wait, your Loric!" he whispers. 

A smirk appears on my face. "Good guess. Too bad you won't get to tell anyone." I whisper. 

I don't want to kill him, but if he tells someone, especially if he's a Mog, then they will know I'm alive. So I'm sorry to say but I'm going to have to kill him. He'd kill me without any hesitation. 

"You’re going to die! All of you! He yells at me thrashing against my grip. 

"Oi. I told you not to yell, I shake my head." I pull out my golden pendant. The Mog looks at it confused. I press the button that turns it into a sword. 

His eyes widen. "Help! Loric! Loric!" he yells at the top of his lungs. 

There's crashing and doors slamming in all directions. Soon enough there's at least a dozen mogs around me. All in their trench coats either with long glowing swords or little blasters and blades. 

A few start towards me, swinging their swords. In all directions. I fight them off with my golden sword. Swinging left and right, stopping them from slashing me. 

I whip a few with my telekinesis crashing them into others. Knocking them to the floor. One of the mogs who got closer than I'd like slices my side, causing me to groan in pain.

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