Ch6 - Good News

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Chapter 6

~Good News~

Bella's POV

        The next morning, I woke early and saw so many text messages on my phone. I checked my inbox and it all came from Edward. Oh, gosh! I forgot to text him about my decision to go dinner with him tonight! I quickly messaged him.

        Edward, I'm sorry I forgot to text you back. I'm just busy and so many things in my mind. Please don't get angry. Yes, I'll go dinner with you tonight. :) -Bella

        I typed those words feeling nervous, I didn't want him to get angry nor rejected because I forgot to text him back. I really hoped that he'd forgive me. Gosh! I was so forgetful! I spank my head many times. I went to the bathroom to have my warm shower. As I was combing my hair, I got my phone and saw a message from him.

        I'm sorry for disturbing you, Bella, and I'm not angry at you. Okay, see you after school at the parking lot. I'll pick you up there. :) -Edward

        As I read, I felt relieved that Edward wasn't angry. I went downstairs and saw Emmett outside waiting for me. We rode the jeep to school quietly, I couldn't wait to see Alice and Jasper for the news. Maybe, they're together? I got out of the jeep while Emmett went to his classroom already. I was heading to my locker, and to my surprise, I saw them walking hand in hand. I ran to them without hesitating and hugged the both of them. They were astonished, but they managed to compose themselves.

        "Oh, Bella! I was going to have a heart attack with you," said Alice while breathing heavily, and Jasper just chuckled beside her.

        "I'm really sorry guys! But I-I-I'm so happy for the both of you!" I said with complete excitement.

        "Thanks so much, Bella, we haven't gone this far if not because of you." Alice was definitely blushing.

        "That's what friends are for!" I said enthusiastically.

        "Bella, I think we will be late for class," Jasper said, interrupting me.

        "Oh, I'm sorry, guys! You gotta give me answers later, the both of you." I smirked. Jasper sighed, knowing that I could be very bad when it came to interrogation while Alice nodded in agreement.

        Biology's my first subject, and my heart began to thud loudly because I would be able to see Edward again. When I entered the room, Edward was already sitting down with a smile on his face. I smiled back, and my mind was clouded with different things about Edward. Thankfully I managed not to trip because of those thoughts. I sat down and placed my things needed on the desk. He never said anything, so I used my hair as a curtain because I didn't want him to see me blushing. Just before the bell rang, Mr. Banner entered the room and the class started. I listened intently to the discussion, but it made no sense to me at all.

        All I did was imagine Edward's perfection. Those green eyes that dazzled me every time we made eye contact and his messy bronze hair that I fell in love with. Wait. Did my mind just say I fell in love with his features? My mind went blank, and from there, I realized something. I realized that I'm in love with Edward. I remembered the first time he touched me, electric currents ran through me. The bell rang, and the students hurried to their next class while Edward bid goodbye to me. My next classes, as usual, ended very fast, and eventually it's time for lunch.

        Edward, Emmett, Rose, Alice and Jasper were in the table already. I started to interrogate Alice and Jasper and threatened them if they wouldn't give me the exact detail that I needed. Jasper warned Alice about me but she began telling me their story anyway. After that, each one of us congratulated them, and Emmett interrupted us with the clearing his throat.

        "Guys, we know now that Alice and Jasper are together. I would like to tell you that Rose and I are also together after so many years." Emmett was beaming in happiness.

        "Wow, isn't that great? Alice with Jasper, me with Emmett, and that leaves you and Edward?" Rose said, eyeing me. Oh my! This isn't good.

        "Yeah, right! Hey, Edward, Bella! I know, if not now - soon," Jasper teased, and Alice just laughed.

        I blushed deep red while Edward just sighed. I knew that they'd tease the both of us but I didn't care because I needed to keep my feelings to myself. I was just a plain, clumsy girl, and I knew Edward would never find me beautiful. For now what mattered was, it's better if we're friends than nothing at all.


        I finished gym, and thank God, I did great. I did not have any bruises or even tripped. I changed back into my usual clothes, getting ready for the dinner with Edward. Classes were finished already, and I was waiting in the lobby for Edward to fetch me. Why did Edward invite me to a dinner? Is it a date? What are we going to do there? Where are we going? Am I supposed to say my true feelings to him? I was really deep in thought but at the same time very excited. I didn't have any answer to my questions, so I tried not to worry. Edward's a good man.

A/N: So what do you think? Alice & Jasper and Rosalie & Emmett were already together, and that leaves Bella & Edward. What will Edward and Bella do in their dinner? Will Bella be able to confess her true feelings? I'll post their dinner tomorrow. :)

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xoxo Lion_Lamb_13 xoxo

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