Chapter 17 - Weird Dream(Part 1)

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We were in an ice skating rink where children were happy skating around, others were doing gymnastics or whatsoever do you call that and I was surrounded by my friends. I could hear Edward's voice encouraging me that I can do this. My hands were trembling, my feet felt like jelly and I doubt myself that I can do this. As you can see, ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated, especially a super clumsy girl like me who can't even walk 4ft without tripping. "Bella, you can do it. Trust me." Edward's soft velvet voice coaxed me. I tried to make small steps while gripping on the railings beside me. I gathered a lot of courage and I was doing well. I was very happy that for once I didn't trip or let's say, it's not time for my tragedy. I let go of my firm hold on the railings and suddenly I slipped very hard...


I jolted awake, scared and sweating like hell! I kicked off my covers, my hair tangled into knots and goes in every direction. I checked my clock and it read 9 o'clock in the morning. Oh crap! What a dream! It scared me to death and I felt something's going to happen to me later. Will there be? I hope not! I still want to live, finish high school, achieve my dreams, have my own family. I slapped my head many times. Bella! You're over reacting! Stop that, it's just a dream.

I jumped out of my bed then examined myself in the mirror and my face was pale, dark circles formed under my eyes and I look tired. Stupid dream! Why was I born like the most clumsy girl ever? Was this a curse to me? I gave up knowing that I don't have any answers. I went to the bathroom, brushed my tangled hair and pulled it into my favorite messy bun. I quickly splashed my face with cold water and jogged downstairs to eat late breakfast.

"Morning!" I shouted.

"Morning Bells!" Emmett roared.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out.

"Dad needed to run an errand, while mom went to go shopping." He said while scanning the channels on the television.

"Yeah right. Workandshoppingthatsmyparents." I mumbled to myself and rolled my eyes.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Oh nothing." I poured a cereal on the bowl and started eating. 

"Will Edward fetch you here later?" Emmett asked.

"Yup." I popped the p.

"Any plans after ice skating?" He asked and I thought that he had so many questions in mind.

"Uhm, not yet but maybe Edward have." I said not sure.

"K." He returned in watching the baseball game he found on the TV. I munched the cereal really quiet and didn't focus my mind on something, just letting it wander. Emmett began to cheer for his favorite team and he even asked me if I want to bet with him for only small amount but I declined. I don't even have any idea about baseball and I'll just try and bet with him?! That's so ridiculous!

I went upstairs and grabbed my phone then dialed Alice's number. She forced me into going and I can't handle this! It all started with that dream and it may come to reality. I don't want to die! Alice answered the phone after 2 rings. "Bella!" She chirped. "Alice, I can't go." I said. "What? Why?" She panicked. "I had a dream and the dream resulted into a bad ending." I sighed. "Bella, everything will be alright. It's just a dream." Alice said. "But..." I started to reason out but she cut me off. "No buts Bella. You have to go. Bye." She said and the line went dead.

I stared at my phone and feel like throwing it. "Stupid little pixie!" I muttered. I collapsed on my bed, staring on the ceiling. A thought occured to me, "What if Edward and I will ditch them later?" Nah! That won't work. Aha, why not fake an illness? That won't work, I'm an unbelievable liar. Bella, think! But nothing came out. Guess I have to stop arguing with Alice because for sure it will not work. I lay still on my bed and I have few more hours to prepare for the ice skating.

I fell asleep and it's a good thing, I didn't have any weird dream again. Emmett knocked on my room and instructed me to go downstairs for lunch. I realized that it's past 12 already, oh time, why were you traveling so fast? I fixed myself again and went downstairs carefully, not wanting to trip and break any of my bones. We ate lunch together and with the help of the television, silence was broken. 

"So who won?" I asked.

"Oh of course. It's my fave team who won!" He looked like a 3 years old child who was given a lollipop.

"Congrats brother! Thank god, I did not agree to bet with you." I said.

"Sister, you're no fun at all." He said and stuffed the food on his mouth.

"I don't care." I muttered to myself.

I got up from my seat and he interupted me, "Hey, just place your plate on the sink. I'll wash it." He winked at me.

I cupped his face and turned it from left to right. "What makes you do this? Have you eaten something?" I asked curiosity washed me.

"Why? Am I not allowed to do service for my lil sister?" He cooed sweetly to me.

"Emmie, that's very nice of you." I used the nickname he really hate.

"Fine, wash it." He sound irritated.

I raised both my hands, just like when you surrender to someone and gave him a sheepish look. I went upstairs and prepared my clothes to be worn later. I opened my small closet and picked a white sweatshirt, a jeggings and my vans. I showered quickly inside the bathroom, after a few minutes, I slipped the towel to cover my body and dried my hair using the blower. After drying my hair, I changed into my clothes, sprayed perfume all over me and fixed my things inside my bag.

I stood in front of the mirror and I looked decent, except for the hair. I combed my hair and placed a clip to avoid some strands of my hair to cover my face. I put on my watch and bracelet to add some accessories. I grabbed my bag and checked myself again on the mirror, and I looked great. Maybe great fits me already, how else am I going to describe myself? Different scenarios and thoughts played on my mind about my weird dream coming to life but I cleared it off before it can ruin my day again. "Bella, you're just being paranoid." I said to myself.


The doorbell rang and from my window, I saw mom entered the house with bunch of shopping bags. I wonder if she bought me dresses again, though I'll never use them. She just said it's for parties and important events but I'm not into social world. Before going down, I stopped by mom's room and knocked twice to get permission. She agreed that Emmett and I will be hanging out with our friends but I promised her that I will be back before midnight. She gave me a motherly kiss and told me to have fun.

I sat on the couch waiting for my beloved Edward. Emmett bid goodbye to me and had gone to fetch Rose. I flipped the channels on the TV but nothing seemed to impress me so I just settled on reading my favorite book Wuthering Heights. I've read the book many times but it never failed to amuse me. I heard a car pulled up on the garage so I placed the book inside my bag and went outside. I entered his car, gave him a quick peck on the lips and fastened my seatbelt to make sure that I get safely to Port Angeles without smashing my face on any part of the car. 

We talked about random stuffs and mainly about plans for the winter break. We knew that exams will hit on January when classes resume and we planned to study 2 weeks before. We just need to inform others and set the date, time and place. I also told Edward my weird dream last night and he felt distraught to see that I was so scared about it. But he assured me that nothing will happen to me and that he's always there to protect me. I felt relieved at his words and it made me calm.

A/N: So this is the first part of their plan on ice skating.. It will be very long so I decided to cut it into 2 chapters.. I'll post the next chapter tomorrow.. Hope u enjoy!

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xoxo Lion_Lamb_13 xoxo

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