Chapter 21 - Confusion (Part 1)

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Christmas was over, moving on with our lives, Edward and I were going to quiet places to study for our exams. He tutored me in Calculus but he haven't asked for my help. Oh god! Looks like he really is a genius! We have been to couple of dates may it be romantic or non-romantic, as long as I'm with him, that's all that matters. Emmett usually hang out with Rose and dad warned him to study or else he'll be grounded. Can't believe tomorrow will be New Year. Aside from the happiness we've felt, there's always sadness in one's life that we can never avoid. I don't know how to comfort Alice and tell her everything will be alright. She has been beyond distraught and Jasper, well, I don't really know 'bout him. But I can't stand watching Alice slowly losing it because she's badly affected by their sudden break up.

"Love, you seem very thoughtful today." Edward broke me out of my thoughts.

"Uhm, not really. The thought of your sister and Jasper popped in my mind." I let out a sigh.

He began playing with my hair and said, "Forget them first love. It can distract you in your studies."

"As if you're not making me crazy." I murmured, turning to give him a kiss and he gladly return it.

We broke apart with a knock coming from Esme, though the door was slightly open. "Bella, I would like to invite lunch for you, Rose, Emmett and Jasper the day after tomorrow? If that's okay with you?"

"Thanks so much Esme, I'll tell them and we'll be here." I said.

"Great! It's a get together for all you, it seem you never go out as a group again." Esme said.

"Yeah, we've been busy about exams." Edward answered and she nodded then left us.

"Does your parents even know about the fight?" I asked.

"Actually, no. Alice told them another story even though I'm sure they didn't buy it." He shrugged.

"What if Jasper won't show up? Will they not get a little bit curious?" I asked.

"Well, let's hope not. We just need to be prepared about reasons they'll believe." He said and I nodded in agreement.

We resume studying again and after how many hours of hell and mind cracking, I managed to finished reviewing. I felt like crap and my head hurts. I snatched my phone on my bag and began to make a text regarding the lunch we will be having here in the Cullens' house, then hit send to them. Few minutes later, I received a message from my oaf brother talking about food, Rose messaged me she's in and I relentessly waited for Jasper. But still nothing. I saw Edward resting his head on the table with his tired eyes closed and he looked peaceful. I didn't notice that I've passed out until I felt sweet kisses planted on my face. I lifted my head from the table and still my head spun around wildly. I opened my eyes and saw my beautiful angel with emerald eyes and dishevelled bronze hair which soothe my head ache.

"Hey sweet girl." He nuzzled my nose and it sent me shivers.

"Sorry I slept." I murmured.

"It's okay, I know you're exhausted." He said.

"What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"6 o'clock." He answered and my eyes grew wide.

"What?!" I asked in shock.

"Why, what's wrong?" His eyes full of panick.

"I told my parents to be home early, like 4." I said while fixing my things and put it inside my bag.

"Oh sorry. I didn't bother waking you up. I'll drive you home." He said.

"It's okay." I grabbed my bag and pulled him out of the room going downstairs.

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