Chapter 24 - Something Romantic

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A/N: So as promise, after I get 5 votes and 2 comments, I will update! Here's it guys!


I jolted awake after a scary nightmare. What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I always have scary nightmares?! I checked the clock and it's only 5:30 in the morning. Too early for me to wake up but I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom. I figured out that I haven't used my bath tub for a very long time, seriously. I let the water flow from the faucet and poured a strawberry scent liquid soap. I stripped and dipped into my bath tub. "Ooh, this is very relaxing. I have 30 mins!" I thought. 

I thought about school. Wow, never realized that January's 31 days passed by in a blur. The crazy talks we heard about exams finally died down but some can't wait to see the results. Finally Jessica and Lauren stopped bothering me about Edward. I can't stand how annoying they can be when it comes to Edward. Really?! They're obsessed with him! The usual day started almost the same until lunch time where we got to bond and talk about nonsense. 

Jasper and Alice's relationship went back to normal again after the 'Jame's incident.' We just hope that he'll never come back and ruin them again. Rose and Emmett were stronger than ever, always in love with each other. Edward and I were getting stronger everyday and I just felt he's the one! Maybe, I'm too excited to get married to him?! But it's a feeling and it can change. And I hope it will not change! I'm really sure that he's the one! Okay, I'm getting crazy for him!

I finished bathing then wrapped my body in a towel. I scanned my closet and changed into my white sweater and pants with converse. I combed my hair and left it down. Before I went downstairs, the calendar hanging on my wall caught my attention. February 14. Valentine's Day. I felt my mouth hung open. Just the thought of Valentine's Day left me uncomfortable. I'm sure as hell that Forks High students will be all over about this. "This is bad."

Emmett drove us quickly to school. During the ride, all my ears could hear were songs about love. Since when does my brother felt the spirit of Valentine's Day? Fine. Don't get me wrong. I felt happy about today's event because I'm not a loner anymore. I have Edward. But seriously, I don't get why many people seem overly excited about it. It's just a normal event, for god's sake! My thoughts vanished as Emmett put the jeep into a stop.

I got out of the jeep and gasped a bit loud. Okay. Am I dreaming? The school campus, it's... filled with the atmosphere of love. Hearts were decorated everywhere, red balloons were tied in the front gate and roses were placed in the pots near the entrance. Is this a school? I mean, school should not tolerate students about their stupid ideas! Then suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder and pushed my chin up, closing my mouth.

"Seriously Bella, don't be old school." The little pixie scolded.

I glared at her and rolled my eyes. "Blah, blah, blah..." I mumbled.

Alice turned to face me and gave me an I-hear-that look. Edward entwined our fingers together and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. We went to our lockers and saw another love bird almost making out near the locker. "EEWW!!" We said in unison at them. Rose and Emmett straightened themselves and were red due to embarassment. We grabbed our books and things then went to our respective classes.


"How are you coping with the saying, "Love is in the air," love?" 

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