Chapter 30 - Unkown

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"Bells!" Charlie hollered downstairs.


He handed me a brown envelope. "What's this?"

"I don't know but it's for you." I flipped the envelope with my name written in it.

It feels strange to get a letter or whatever from someone due to the fact that I'm not expecting something. I went upstairs and threw it in the bed while I finished my homework. I got lost in track of time and saw that it's 15 minutes before midnight. Ugh! I really despise school and all the crappy projects those teacher gave us at the end of the day. I finished all of my school works and visited the bathroom to take care of my needs.

As soon as I got out of the bathroom, clean and fresh in my pajamas, I open the envelope and there's another paper wrapped around something rectangular. I tore the remaining paper and I could feel my tears forming. Pictures of Edward and a mystery girl. She has a strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, petite and very beautiful. Her beauty is definitely comparable to Rosalie. A picture of them smiling, holding hands and the last was kissing.

Tears start rolling its way out of my eyes and I didn't stop the sob that escaped my lips. It broke my heart to see pictures of my own boyfriend hogging another girl. What did I do to deserve this shit? Did Edward cheat behind my back? I threw the pictures in my trash can when suddenly I saw something written at the back of the pictures. It's a date. My heart sank because the date written was when Edward went back to Alaska last spring break.


My alarm woke me up and I got up lazily. My eyes had been red because of crying overnight and dark circles formed underneath my eyes. I dressed in my normal sweatshirt and jeans with matching converse. I pulled my hair into a messy bun as if it had never been combed for weeks and Emmett was startled when I slammed the door of his jeep. He didn't utter any word and drove us going to school. Morning started with meeting our partners and I acted as if nothing's wrong.

When lunch followed by, I got a sandwich and sat beside Edward. They all engaged in small talks and I muttered my answer if needed. I felt like a zombie. I felt like my heart had been stabbed a million times and it shattered like a glass. How can I think rationally when all I had in mind was him and the girl in the pictures? I can't even concentrate on the lectures. I needed to tell someone. I need someone who can comfort me and give me pieces of advice.


"Hmm?" I came face to face with Edward who looked very worried.

"Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah." I mumbled and told him I'll see him later.

What a complete lie! Of course I'm not okay. What if I just tell him? Confront him? Ask him why he cheated. But I can't. I don't know how. I'm such a coward. The teacher called out my name and I realized that he has been calling me 3 times and my stupid classmates turned their gaze in my way. I felt my blush creeping in my cheeks and the teacher asked me to stay after class. Wow! What a nice day. And how am I suppose to answer him why I wasn't paying attention?! Ugh!

"Isabella, why weren't you paying attention in our lecture? I saw you looking blankly somewhere. You're physically present but mentally absent." He said.

I chewed on my bottom lip. Shit! How should I answer this?! "Uhm, I... sorry sir. Just had family problems."

"Well, don't bring those on schools. The next time I caught you like that, I want to meet your parents."

"Uh, yes sir. My apologies."

"You may go now." I gathered my books and stumbled going to my locker.


I was standing in the exit area waiting for Rosalie. I sent her a message asking if we could go to the nearest cafe bar for a talk and she gladly said yes. "Bella."

I turned my back and Edward approached me. "Let's go. I'll bring you home."

"Uh, thanks but Rose and I will have something to talk about. I'm waiting for her."

"Oh, is that so? Well, have a good time. Take care, Bella." He kissed my temple.

"Take care too." I muttered.

"Call me when you're home later, okay?"

"Uh yes. I will."

I watched him go and a tear slipped in my eye. I immediately fake a yawn so that I can cover my mouth though I really wiped my tear. Why is this happening to me?! Do I still love him?
Am I lying to myself and especially to him? Rose's car stopped in front of me and I entered while she gave me a genuine smile. I smiled back and she drove us down to the nearest cafe bar. We ordered and she asked me what was so important that we need to talk about.

I slipped the pictures that I had received yesterday in the table and she opened it with a gasp. "What is this?"

"It was sent to me yesterday and Rose, I don't know what to do." I said.

"Who's this girl and why are they so close in the pictures?!"

"I... don't know."

"Oh Bella! I will really kill Edward!" She snapped and almost crumpled the pictures in her hands.

"What do I do now, Rose?"

"Tell him and break up with him."

"I can't."


"Because I love him so much even it hurts."

"So you're telling me that we'll pretend as if everything's still in place?!"

"Yes and please, don't tell anyone. Not even Jasper, Alice or my brother. It's you who I trust and I told you because you're like a sister and a mother to me."

"Bella, I can't promise to keep my mouth shut but if that's what you want I will keep it. And thank you for your faith in me. For telling me." She smiled and squeazed my hand.

"Thank you." She pulled me in a warm embrace and I'm so thankful to have Rose with me.

A/N: It's a super loooooong wait for you but I'm back on track again! I'll see if I can update again tomorrow but no promises, okay? Now, please drop your thoughts because I badly want to hear it! Hmm, who's this mystery girl? I bet you already know her! And what do you think she wants? Also for those who haven't read my other story which is "I'd Lie" it is finally complete so please read and vote.. it's a short story btw! :D

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Enchanted (TwilightFanFic) *EDITING*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon