Chapter 34 - Strange

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I walked lazily to the kitchen already dressed in jeans and t-shirt to grab something to eat. The girls planned to go somewhere today and of course I was forced to go. It's been a week after the incident and everything was okay. Edward and I spent more time together at my house with a given curfew. Rosalie was being cautious about giving my brother a second chance, but they seem to go well. 

"Crap!" I shrieked as I approached the kitchen.

Emmett and Rosalie were making out in our freaking kitchen! "Oops!" Emmett said abashedly.

They scrambled swiftly to get themselves presentable while I waited on the couch. "I think I'll need to bleach my mind!" 

Rose sat beside me while my brother went upstairs. "What the hell was that?"

"We're just kissing. No big deal." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"Yeah. You're really being cautious." I scoffed.

I prepared myself waffles for breakfast and began munching it. Minutes later, the little pixie entered with a big smile plastered on her face. I washed my plate and brushed my teeth before grabbing my bag.

"I'm glad it's a sunny day. It's very rare in Forks!" Alice chirped.

"What about the sunny day?" Rose quirked her eyebrow.

"Oh. Nothing." 

"I'm ready. Let's go?" I asked.


We all hopped to Alice's car and she drove us to Port Angeles. We went to a beauty parlor, got our nails painted and our hair trimmed to get rid of the split ends. When lunch rolled by, we ate on a fancy restaurant and resumed our day. We went shopping - clothes, shoes etc. Although, I insisted that I had more clothes than I needed, they still want me to try this and that.

"This will be the last!" I hissed. I've been inside the fitting room, waiting for them to throw clothes my way.

"Okay!" Alice said.

After 3 bags full of clothes, we finally got out of the last shop. My feet were aching and I felt very tired. Being with Rose and Alice during shopping could lead to your death. I swear, they're shopaholics and addicts concerning fashion. We stopped by the cafe to take snack and coffee before going back.

"How's being cautious with Emmett?" Alice asked and I snickered.

Rose sent a deathly glare my way and I smirked. Yeah, I had the guts to tease her. "I'm sure she's being very cautious with her relationship to my brother. I've never seen them too intimate, so I guess they're really taking things slow."

Alice stared at me, completely sensing my point. "AHA! I know the two of you won't last long before you start making out and shit!" Alice said and I chuckled.

"Whatever! Why do you keep tabs about my love life? Don't you have your own?" Rose scowled.

"Do you really want to know about your brother and I?" Alice's eyes danced mischievously.

"Ugh! You suck, Alice! I don't need details what you and my brother do!"  We laughed at Rose's annoyed tone.

"How about you and my brother?" Alice pointed to me.

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