Chapter 31 - Worst Nightmare Ever!

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Prom and Graduation had flew by like wind and it was the happiest days of my life. Well, maybe not really the happiest. I could still remember the pictures sent to me over a month ago and it was still burned in my mind. Edward didn't tell me that he was cheating or whatever. He remained simply cool and I can't see any hint of guilt. Rose and I still kept the secret and thank god she didn't tell anyone or else I'll be doomed.

My brother and Rose were still fighting like dogs and cats. I remember that day clearly. It was prom. Alice and I had threatened her and Emmett to be handcuffs going to school if they'll not go on smoothly without bickering with each other over small things. They would argue and their past situation would be brought up which would cause more fight. Seriously, we can't stand watching them suffer. We were just helping them out.

We went to prom with our partners while Rose and Emmett maintained their cool or else they'll experience being handcuffs in school together. The night was spent dancing and having fun. After prom, we had slept over Alice's and Edward's house which caused us more trouble. Rose had been smoking with anger because of being with Emmett the entire time and well, she accidentally vomited on my brother and it pissed him off.

Alice and Jasper were busted in the morning because her mom caught them together in bed. They told that they're just sleeping nothing more. But being busted by your parent caused so much embarrassment. Alice could not even look at her mother in the eyes and Jasper was nervous as hell. Thank god her mother didn't inform her father or else I don't know how much trouble it'll cause us.

Edward and I were being ourselves, no PDA. He still doesn't know about the pictures and I want to talk to him about it. But I don't know how to start it. Should I tell him, did you cheat on me? Should I flash the picture and demand what it meant? Ugh! It's so complicated. I don't know what to do. I hid the pictures carefully inside my closet to make sure that not even my mom could see it anywhere. 

I got up from bed, dressed up and hailed a cab. I instructed him where my destination will be and he drove us there. I brought with me the scrapbook that I've decorated for an entire month. Don't judge me, but I'm not really a good designer. I just sticked pictures in it, put my loving words for him and that's it. It's my graduation gift for him. Simple but I think he'll like it very much. It was raining outside and shit, I don't have umbrella but thankfully I brought my coat.

I slipped the money to the driver and he left. I made sure to hid the scrapbook inside my coat to prevent it from becoming drench. I approached his house and rang the doorbell 3 times. Esme opened the door and told me that Edward's upstairs. I carefully climbed up the stairs, afraid that I'll be having a trip to the hospital if I slip. I arrived in his room with the door slightly opened. Before I could knock, I saw a woman who looks exactly the same in the picture.

What the hell was that woman doing inside his room? Oh god! He's having an affair?! Noo! I heard their talk and it made my heart broke.

"Edward, don't you love me? Is it because of that Bella?! I was first than her, Edward! And you left Alaska. Tell me you still love me. I know that you do." 


Tanya?! So Tanya is her name?! I looked up again and I thought that I'd faint right here in my place. She kissed him thoroughly and her fiingers wove in the hairs at the nape of his neck. He held his hand on her hips as if enjoying the kiss and tears were streaming down my face. How dare he do this to me?! And what kind of girl was I? Rose was right! I should've broken up with him in the first place. It's my fault.

I clutched my heart and gently ran when I knocked the vase from the table. Shit! It clattered and I heard my name being called. "Bella!"

I walked down the stairs not caring if I die while walking carelessly. Esme was standing downstairs, clearly panicking. "What happened, dear?" She asked, completely clueless. 

"Nothing. I need to go home."

"Bella, wait!" Edward yelled.

I quickened my pace and threw the scrapbook at his chest before going outside. The rain was pouring hard and I became blind by my tears and the droplets of rain. Edward caught my wrist and I slapped him hard with my other hand. It hurts like hell but it's enough for him to understand that I don't want him anymore. He stopped in his tracks, massaging his face and I take the advantage to take out the pictures out of my pocket.

"There you go!" I slammed it in his face and he picked it up.

"Go to hell! I hate you! You cheated on me! How dare you?!" I wiped the tears furiously while running away from him.

"Bella! Wait!"

"Go back to her! She needs you more than I do!"

"No! Please let me explain."

I stopped running and faced him. "You want to explain? No need to. I saw it Edward. You kissed her back when you should have not."

"Bella, I'm sorry."

"You're sorry for what? Kissing her back? For betraying me? I thought you're different from other boys but your the same as them!"

I could see his tears falling together with the rain but I couldn't care less. He should suffer. I didn't do anything bad to deserve all the pain. I ran away and finally reached the highway. I stumbled on a rock and I didn't notice there was a van coming near me. 


"No! Not Bella please!" My mind screamed at me. I reached her but I was too late. The van stopped but it already collided with Bella. I ran to her and clutched her in my arms. "No Bella! Please wake up! I'm so sorry!" Her eyes were closed and blood were bleeding out of her head.

The owner of the van quickly helped me get her inside the car and he drove to the hospital. Pools of blood were coming out and my mind can't think clearly. What if she has lost too much blood? I can't lose her. This is my entire fault! 

As soon as we reached the hospital, we immediately delivered her to the emergency room. My dad asked me to stay calm and call the others including her parents. Minutes later, they rushed inside the hospital and I hugged Alice letting the tears flow. 

"It's all my fault." I sobbed.

"No it wasn't. Ssshhh." She ran her hands up and down my back, calming me.

I told them the truth on what really happened through my perspective. Emmett assured me that it wasn't my fault, that it was an accident. But I wouldn't listen. I know it's my fault. Why did this even happened? I wished it was just me not Bella. She doesn't deserve this.

A/N: Hello! How's this chapter? Drop your thoughts please! I badly want to hear them! :D

Please visit my newly posted book "A CHOICE" with the summary. Please comment and vote what you think about it. It is found ony my profile and if many people will voice out their thoughts and vote, I will have the first chapter up by April... Thanks a lot! :D

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